Essay about 266 Unit 1

Submitted By ewalt10
Words: 7156
Pages: 29

266 M1
Obj 1: Define key words RT women’s health care: (pg. 762-763)
Adjuvant therapy additional treatments that increase or enhance the action of the primary treatment
accessory organs of the uterus, such as the fallopian tubes and ovaries
absence of menstruation. Primary amenorrhea is a delay of the first menstruation. Secondary is cessation of menstruation after its initiation
Atrophic vaginitis inflammation that occurs when the vagina becomes dry and fragile, usually as a result of estrogen deficit after menopause
Autogenous graft tissue moved from one part of the body to another part of the same person’s body
Axillary tail wedge of tissue extending from the breast into the axilla (also called the tail of spence).
Carcinoma in situ malignant neoplasm in surface tissue that has not extended into deeper tissue
endocrine, body, and psychological changes occurring at the end of a woman’s reproductive cycle. Also informally called menopause
examination of the vaginal and cervical tissue with a colposcopy for magnification of cells
a wartlike growth of the skin seen on the external genitalia, in the vagina, on the cervix or near the anus. Condyloma may be caused by human papillomavirus (condyloma acuminatum) or by syphilis (condyloma latum)
destruction of abnormal tissue using extreme cold
prolapse of the urinary bladder through the anterior vaginal wall
painful menstation
difficult or painful coitus in women
painful urination often associated with urinary tract infection
abnormal development of tissue
Endometrial hyperplasia excessive proliferation of normal cells of the uterine lining; may be caused by administration of estrogen during the postmenopausal period
presence of tissue resembling the endometrium outside the uterine cavity
insertion of an illuminated tube into the abdominal cavity to see contents, locate bleeding, and perform surgical procedures

Mammogram study of breast tissue using very-low-dose radiography; primary tool in the diagnosis of breast tumors
onset of menstruation; usually occurs between 9-15 years of age (avg=12.4)
uterine bleeding that is irregular in frequency and excessive amount
permanent cessation of menstruation during the climacteric
excessive bleeding at the time of menstruation in duration, amount of blood loss, or both
Obj 2: Describe the nursing assessment for the gynecological examination: (pg. 763-768)
Schedule the examination about 2 weeks after her menstrual period and not to douche or have sexual intercourse for at least 48 hrs. Before the exam.
Avoid vaginal meds, douches, sprays or deodorants
Empty bladder before exam
External organs are assessed for:
Degree of development
Atrophy of labia
Distribution of hair
Character of hymen
Any cysts, tumors, or inflammation of bartholin’s glands are noted
Urinary meatus and skene’s glands are inspected for purulent discharge
Obj 3: Describe common diagnostic/evaluation methods performed during the gynecological exam:
Speculum exam: bivalve speculum used to inspect vagina and cervix:
Warmed with water
Size shape and color of cervix is noted
Sample is taken for pap test
Sample of any unusual discharge is obtained for microscopic exam or culture.
Bimanual exam:
Provides info about uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries
Using index and middle finger of examiner, the cervix is palpated for consistency, size and tenderness to motion
Uterus evaluated by placing the other hand on the abdomen with the fingers pressing gently about the syphilis pubis (evaluate the size, configuration, consistency and motility of uterus.)
Ovaries are palpated between the fingers of both hands (often impossible to palpate after menopause because ovaries atrophy after menopause)

Obj 4: Identify the etiology and appropriate nursing interventions for common menstrual