Typed Study Note Guideline Index Essay

Submitted By Yongjae
Words: 482
Pages: 2

Section Colour Index
Magenta = Concepts I need to Know Checklist
Blue = Introduction, Conclusion
Green = Content Materials
Red = Hand-written Portion (Drawings, Diagram)
Purple = Special Cases, relevant but distinct information
Orange = Assessments

Bullet Points Index
= Normal Content Point

= Arrow-Add-On: Additional information related to “Content Point” (Definition, Explanation, However, Addition, Therefore)

= Square-Add-On: 3rd Priority Information

1. = Add-on Numerical List (Process, Steps, Orderly List)

a. or i. = Add-on Description List to “Content Point”

For each separate topic that belongs in one section, the title is bolded and underlined
Three Spaces = Entirely different Concept/Subject/Idea but fits into the Section
This is where the title is bolded and underlined

Two Spaces =

One Space = Same concept but separated for organizing purposes
WHY?: Separating Examples, Separating Ideas, Separating Concepts

In-Text Guidelines
Reference: = Referring to a specific page number in a textbook, referring to other sources (video, images, texts, etc)

Note: = Important Note that is relevant to material content

Key Fact:, Interesting Fact: = Information that is useful, interesting but is less relevant compared to “Note:”

Purple Words = Any Unit Number, Mathematical Unit, Etc

Bolded Points = Key Words, Key Phrases

Italicized Points = Semi Key Words & Phrases that are too close to a bolded point and thus is used to separate the two ideas

 = Therefore Symbol, for short form

(=) Equal Sign = A simple way to saying Point A is related to Point B, “this means this”, “this is this”, “this happens because of this”, etc.

CAPITALIZED = Words, or phrases that need to be emphasized

Note Flags
Highest Priority = Very Important Point/Fact that must be noted

High Priority = Important Point/Fact to be noted

Question Mark = Questions that I have that must be revisited later to be answered

Green Box = Right below the Question Mark Flag. Insert Answer. Check Mark when the Question has been answered.

Red Box = Any