Since being one of the most intact monuments of Ancient Egypt, the finding of Tutankhamun's tomb by Howard Carter in 1922 is believed to be the utmost significant archaeological discoveries of the century. The treasures found were stored in the following parts of the tomb the Antechamber Annex, and then the Burial Chamber and Treasury. The Ancient Egyptians believed in the afterlife. The customs and beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians called for the preservation of the body and extensive provisions for the after-life which were buried with them in the tomb. These treasures were seen as a continuation of the life of the Pharaoh before his death. It was therefore seen as essential that the favourite items belonging to King Tut would be buried…show more content… He was usually portrayed as a half human, half jackal. It sits on a golden shrine with compartments containing materials which belong to the rituals of mummification, including pharaoh sceptre and pectoral ornaments wrapped in linen witch could have been worn by priests during mummification.
The Inlaid Diadem with Vulture and Cobra is an example of craftsmanship. The golden diadem also known as a royal headdress, was found on the head of King Tutankhamun’s mummy. The headdress is made of gold, coloured glass, and semiprecious stone. The headband secures in the back so it can fit over a wig. Attached to the hinges are two flexible gold ribbons decorated with the cobra and vulture. Additionally, a set of longer ribbon-like pieces hang down and are inlaid with circles of semiprecious stones. A hooded cobra and a vulture face out from the headband to protect the king from harm throughout his journey into the Afterlife. The cobra and the vulture are detachable and could have been used with other headdresses. In addition to being decorative, the winding line of the body of the cobra ran across the crown of the head, stabilizing the diadem. The gold reveals the wealth which dated back to the 18th century which is signified as the most prosperous era of Ancient Egypt. It also reveals the trade and strong relations and cultural influences with the regions of the Ancient Near East, especially those of the north eastern territories and
found the tomb, that they had been looking for, for a number of years and had spent lots of money on. There were many factors contributing to the significance and uniqueness of king tutankhamun’s tomb, including the fact that everything was intact and no other historian, archaeologist or even tomb robber had been inside it or taken anything from it. The size of the tomb was also very unique since it was much smaller than any of the other tombs that had previously been discovered. Tutankhamun’s untouched…
of Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Eighteenth Dynasty. Tutankhamun was an Eighteenth Dynasty pharaoh whose legacy extends to the present, and currently one of the best-known ancient Egyptians of all-time. The “Boy King” inherited the throne at the age of nine, his reign lasting only ten years before his sudden unexpected death. The traditional burial customs and funeral processions were carried out upon him, but the tomb he was laid to rest in was unique from the typical Eighteenth Dynasty tombs characterised…
What is the Valley of The Kings? The Pyramids of Giza and the Nile Delta were the tombs of choice for pharaohs of Egypt's Old Kingdom. The New Kingdom pharaohs, who wanted to be closer to the source of their ancestral origins in the south, built their catacombs in the hills of the west of Luxor, now called the Valley of The Kings. Inside King Tutankhamun’s Tomb 2. What was found in the tomb? Tutankhamun’s tomb was filled with furniture, jewellery, weapons, games, preserved foods, which are all…
Earl of Carnarvon discovered Tutankhamen’s intact tomb. Inside the innermost coffin is made of gold, a gold funerary mask had been placed over the young king’s mummified body. As news leaked out, the world press could hardly contain its enthusiasm. “This has been, perhaps, the most extraordinary day in the whole history of Egypt’s excavation.” (H.Sayre, 2011, p. 65). But, who is Tutakhamen? And what is extraordinary about the discovery of his intact tomb? What is the mystery behind his death? Tutankhamen…
base of the skull as well as a fracture in the left leg. Many scientists believe the break may have led to blood poisoning. Until now, it was thought King Tutankhamen had been pampered and protected from danger. Artifacts found in King Tutankhamen's tomb suggests otherwise. The used chariots and arrows prove that he was an active young man who enjoyed chariot racing. Another artifact found was a protective corset, likely to have been used to shield his vital organs. There is also a theory that King…
is attributed to the discovery of his tomb and his elaborate treasure. King Tutankhamen Tomb King Tutankhamun, tomb was discovered November 4, 1922 in the Valley of the Kings by Howard Carter. It was an extraordinary discovery that made national headlines. Up until the discovery of King Tut’s tomb, it was believed that all royal tombs had been robbed and drained of their treasure. This was the first time a tomb had been discovered that had not invaded…
Uncovered from the innermost layer of the tomb, Tutankhamun’s funeral mask is made of gold lapis lazuli, camelian, quartz, obsidian, turquoise and glass. Weighing 110.4 kg at a length of 54cm, the item is extremely symbolic in regards to the culture, art and religion during the period in which Tutankhamun lived and the short time of his reign. The prominent facial features on the mask including the narrow eyes, nose shape, fleshy lips and Osird beard were an interpretation of the young Pharaoh’s…
observe in “King Tutankhamun’s Burial Chamber” how Egyptians painted King Tuts a little green showing that he was death but now he reborn, a perfect example of their beliefs in after life. Egyptians portrayed their beliefs in afterlife in their tombs; art in these tombs shows how big and how powerful religion was in their funerary rituals. Tomb art was designed by a master artist and then executed by a team of apprentices and workers. When representing human figures in a piece of tomb art, it was important…
his son Archaeological evidence – representation of Sed festival in temple Shows celebration kiosks for all gods have the sun disc (Aten) in them instead of traditional gods Nefertiti shown in Radical style worshipping Aten Archaeological evidence – tomb of Ramose Shows new form of king at Window of Appearances with Nefertiti Year 4 / 5 – changes in titulary Reflects change in religious policy Decision made to found city at Akhetaten Year 5 – setting up of new site of Akhetaten…