Explain the archaeological/written evidence of the uniqueness of Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Eighteenth Dynasty.
Tutankhamun was an Eighteenth Dynasty pharaoh whose legacy extends to the present, and currently one of the best-known ancient Egyptians of all-time. The “Boy King” inherited the throne at the age of nine, his reign lasting only ten years before his sudden unexpected death. The traditional burial customs and funeral processions were carried out upon him, but the tomb he was laid to rest in was unique from the typical Eighteenth Dynasty tombs characterised by their lavish style and large scale. This uniqueness has been evidenced in a variety of archaeological and written sources, which express the tomb’s historical significance.…show more content… F. Macdonald, 1997, The World in the Time of Tutankhamun, Great Britain, Belitha Press Limited.
This book clearly explains and describes the life and death of Tutankhamun: outlining his family, early life, pharaonic reign and tomb. It also states the significance of the paintings and goods found in the tomb, noting that they are the source of much of humanity’s knowledge about ancient Egyptians and pharaohs. The book’s layout is colourful and aesthetically pleasing, making the information accessible for a wide range of people.
J. Hill, Tombs of Ancient Egypt: Tomb of Tutankhamun, Ancient Egypt Online, 2010, (online), Available from: http://www.ancientegyptonline.co.uk/tutankhamun-tomb.html [Accessed 29th March 2012].
This webpage informatively outlines the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, and describes the tomb’s layout and decoration in great detail. The source indicates and emphasises the tomb’s uniqueness: only the burial chamber was decorated when usually all Pharaoh tomb walls are painted with scenes from the Amduat, its location was not usually associated with royal burials and it does not follow the design of other pharaonic burials of the time.
Tutankhamun: Pharaoh King, Egypt Voyager, 2012, (online), Available from: http://www.egypt voyager.com/features_tutankhamun_pg1.htm [Accessed 29th March 2012].
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