Ancient History Tutankhamen Source Analysis Essay

Submitted By classycleary
Words: 387
Pages: 2

Uncovered from the innermost layer of the tomb, Tutankhamun’s funeral mask is made of gold lapis lazuli, camelian, quartz, obsidian, turquoise and glass. Weighing 110.4 kg at a length of 54cm, the item is extremely symbolic in regards to the culture, art and religion during the period in which Tutankhamun lived and the short time of his reign. The prominent facial features on the mask including the narrow eyes, nose shape, fleshy lips and Osird beard were an interpretation of the young Pharaoh’s typical royal characteristics and identity. The gods and goddesses often had a strong influence over the land which is acknowledged through the decorative images and emblems covering the mask. The emblems of the Egyptian vulture (Nekhbet) and cobra (Wadjet) served together as the nebty (two ladies) of the Upper and Lower regions of Egypt combining to symbolise the Egyptian world’s duality. Being the goddess of heaven, Nekhbet is a bird who guarded the King and the non royal deceased, therefore she is depicted as a vulture with one wing extended to the front and the other to the ground representing her flight above the person she is protecting. Placed on the majority of Pharaohs crowns, the Egyptian Cobra goddess Wadjet was present due to its defensive uraeus qualities. Revealing the power held by the Pharaoh, it is evident that both were used as protective symbols in regards to the Afterlife. The intricate, broad collar covering the shoulders and upper chest had a falcon’s head on each end depicting the God of Kings, Horus.
Aspects of Tutankhamun’s