The Hunger Games Essay

Submitted By ammy62
Words: 602
Pages: 3

The Hunger Games takes place in the nation on Panem. Since district 13 was destroyed the nation takes one girl and one boy between the ages of 12-18 to fight to the death until there is one lone victor, these games are called the Hunger Games. The main character of the book is Katniss a 16 year old girl who lives in District 12, the coal mining district. Katniss must provide for her, Prim ,her little sister, and her mother. Her father was killed in a coal mining accident as well as Gale's dad. Gale is a childhood friend of Katniss's. Gale is similar to Katniss in many ways. He must also provide for him, his mother, and his four younger brothers. Prim is now 12 years old and is now perrimeted to be in the Hunger Games. Prim has nightmares about the Hunger Games. The day of when the reaping Prim is chosen for district 12. Katniss takes her place is the Hunger Games. The boy chosen for district 12 is Peeta Mellark. Katniss beleives she has seen him before. Then she remembers when her family were desperate for food Peeta through her a buned loaf of bread. Katniss and Peeta are then put on the train to the capitol with Effie Trinket, a person from the capitol, and there drunk mentor Haymitch Abernathy, the victor of the 50th Hunger Games. Haymitch gives Peeta tips to stay alive and how to get sponsers. Sponsers are people who dontate money to get you supplies you need. They arrive at the capitol, and go through training before the games. Also before the games they put on special clothes and show there support for there district. Cinna, Katniss's dresser, decides that they should where fake flames. During the ceremony Katniss is given the nickname the girl on fire. Now all of the districts take a final test to get a score. The higher the score the better the competetor. During Katniss's demonstration no one was paying attention. So she used her bow and arrow and shot an apple out of a pigs mouth. The pig was the capitols meal. Katniss got an 11 on her score. Higher then anyone else.

When the Hunger Games begin Katniss's grabs a pack and starts running. Peeta ends up joining an alliance with the