Tesla Essay

Submitted By jacksonryatt
Words: 640
Pages: 3

Justin Korman 3/18/15
Nikola Tesla pd. 6/7 You like air conditioning, right? How about the radio? Along with over 275 other patents, Nikola Tesla paved the way for new electrical inventions in the late 1800s. Competing with Thomas Edison as to who was the most revolutionary electrical inventor of the industrial revolution and beyond, Tesla was more known for his work then what came out of it financially. Although the money wasn’t there for Tesla, he and Edison changed the way the world looked at things. Nikola Tesla changed the world in a positive way where without him, we wouldn’t have things today that we consider to be a necessity. Nikola Tesla was born in July of 1856 in Smijan, Croatia to mother Djuka Mandic and Milutin Tesla. His mother invented small household appliances in her spare time, while his father was an orthodox priest. At an early age he became interested in the sciences, and when he turned 28 he left Europe to pursue America. When he arrived at the coast of New York, he had little more than the clothes on his back and a letter to introduce himself to another inventor you may have heard of, Thomas Edison. The two quickly started working together, mostly on Edison’s inventions. They eventually parted ways, however, starting a lifelong feud between the two. When they split up, Tesla was able to complete over 275 patents, including A/C power, “Tesla Coil” (which paved the way for wireless technology), and advances in radio, x-ray, and remote control technology. “Tesla’s AC system eventually caught the attention of American engineer and businessman George Westinghouse…” (biography.com). Towards the latter moments of Tesla’s life, he finished electrical generators (like batteries) and an induction motor. Along with those two, he had made an A/C hydroelectric power plant. Tesla paved the way for new technologies towards the late 1800’s to early 1900s through radio and x-ray feats. His “Tesla Coil” came to be in 1891 and was a high frequency transformer circuit. They were used for radio transmitters and wireless telegraphy until the late 1920’s. Today, they are still used as leak detectors for small vacuum systems. His feats in electricity have made it possible for advanced radio technology, along with an alternating current and x-ray advances. “His 1891 invention,