Essay about TDA 3.2 schools and organisation

Words: 3541
Pages: 15

1.1 Summarise entitlement and provision for early year’s education?
Every child matters agenda and the childcare act 2006, it become an entitlement of all 3-4 year olds in England to receive a free part time early years education of up to 12.5 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year. Early year’s provision in school is about supporting very young children it is distinct from key stage 1 in each country within the UK and is best on the concept of learning through play rather than more formal education Play has been show to be an important part for children learning. In Scotland the curriculum is focused around the document curriculum for excellent. This document concerns the curriculum for 3-4 years

The team will usually be made up of more experiences staff who have management positions – in a primary school this will probably be the deputy head teacher, year group leaders (if the school has more than one from entry), SENCO (special educational needs co-ordinator) and foundation stage leader. In a secondary school they may also be year group leader and SENCOs but may also be subject area leaders. They will usually meet once a week or on a regular basis to discuss issues which have come up and to make decisions concerning the running of the school or around the implementation of the school implement plan. They will discuss how this information will be spread to teacher and support staff.
Other statutory roles- there will be other staff roles in school which are legally required to be fulfilled in terms of starting apart from the head teacher and deputy, the two main others are SENCOs and in primary schools the foundation stage manager. The SENCO is responsible for managing and monitoring the provision for those with special educational need within the school. This includes:
‘ensuring liaison with parents and other professionals in respect of children with special educational needs
Advising and supporting other practitioners in the setting
Ensuring that appropriate individual education plans are in place
Ensuring that