T- Box : Wind Power Generator Essay

Words: 2585
Pages: 11

Seminar Report
T-box Submitted By: Submitted To:
Priyanka Agrawal Astt. Prof.Rajnikant Tiwari
EE-32 Electrical Engg. Department
Roll No. :0905420074
Session : 2011-2012


I would like to express my deepest gratitude and also extend my heartly thanks to my seminar guide and Seminar In-charge Mr. Rajnikant Tiwari who very sincerely extended his help and provided resourceful and helpful inputs without which the work would

In all these meetings, they always try to find out the solution to the problem coming in conversion of energy. Even scientists are trying to find other alternative to the resources of energy which are available to us.
The world is doing all type of efforts for conservation of energy because of one and utmost reason and that is – energy is the fuel or source on which all the technologies are based on. For instance, we need electricity to work on computers and computers are the pivotal part of any kind of official as well as private work. And this energy is generated by the help of water but due to global warming and water pollution, we all know what is happening to this natural resource. This is the just the smallest instance which I have kept in front of you. But here are many to be counted and explained. So, conservation of energy is important to live life.

Need of alternative energy resources
The need for alternative energy sources is getting urgent, hence the development of renewable energy is moving fast. Nationally and internationally various individuals and research companies are creating new and exciting energy systems. Some of these apparatus are great works and need improving for massive use. Politician's world-wide are drafting policies and are making agreements to make greater use of these energy sources.
The first problem is that the fossil fuels are depleting in a rapid rate and are harder to retrieve. The consequence is that we can be facing an energy