Irene Acoff
English 101
Essay 1
Sandra Burgess
The one challenge that many students face when entering college for the first time, is getting around Campus. Learning what building they are supposed to report to. Once finding the proper building, they enter and find the proper or right classroom number and make sure they have the right teacher, because more than one teacher could be holding the same class, also getting around campus could be very frustrating for first time goers. Students face not knowing what the initials stand for on their schedule, so the best thing to do is ask someone in the Admission’s office, once schedule is in hand, take a tour and drive around or walk around the Campus to find and seek out everything.
On the first day entering class the challenge of being nervous and not knowing how to get around will all be avoided if the student went to college orientation. Some students still find it difficult especially if the students are older. The Admissions or Student Center does have Student handbooks available. The Student planners are fact finders with maps, numbers, and important dates students will need. Students can also talk with other classmates by email if you go to admissions or student center you will be given a student email and an A number; which you will need on campus. Students are also given a One Card which is the campus ID and also the way to receive financial aid and pay for books.
After getting through that challenge its always good to put in memory which way to go, some campuses are very large, remember the surroundings and exit the same way. Once that obstacle has been faced many feel a little more secure in where going around campus. Finding confidence possibly helps others find ways around also. All have had to face that challenge when first entering college. Learning the way around the building and knowing the classrooms are for classes. May take a couple of days, but it will get better.
So enjoy learning about the campus that has a future student will enter on the first day. Much success and congratulation’s on learning the way around, and enjoy the experience ahead. Many students will meet new friend’s, old friends on campus. Coming to this beautiful campus and enjoy first timers on entering college for the first time. Admissions office and counselors are always available to answer questions or any concerns many students may face. Campus security is available if you don’t feel safe or there is a red pole on each parking lot you can press the button and it sends police or security straight to the location of where the student is. Students challenge balancing their job around scheduling class. Most students do have jobs so they go part-time and do their studies. Also after attending that first week of classes things get easier as time go on. Once they have that down, students are well on their way to attending there classes and
1 Entry: What Makes a Good Peer Leader? A good Peer Leader would be someone that is responsible as well as punctual. In order for students to respect you as a peer leader you must show them adequate respect. Arriving on time shows them that as a peer leader you are not taking advantage of their time. Also being responsible means that you have completed as well as brought all the necessary tools to insure that that given peer leading session runs smoothly. A good Peer Leader must also be very understanding…
refer to our student as a girl named “Sally”. Sally demonstrates behaviors which include defacing school property, reading at a sixth-grade level, sleeping in class, and refusing to answer direct questions in class. Sally does not have many friends, and is living in a single parent home with siblings. A particular behavior which Sally demonstrates that is particularly troublesome is her poor reading skills. She is probably likely to feel as though she cannot join in with her peers. Erik Erickson…
maintaining high acedemic acheivement, and peer pressure. To start with, one of the leading causes of acedemic failure is bullying. Bullied students usually encounter a sudden drop in self-esteem. Due to the lack of self-confidence, students can stop believing in themselves. To explain, often times when students are bullied, they begin to think that they have lost their potenial to succeed. The lack of self-esteem makes bullied students feel worthless, thinking that there is not…
Title: Peer Pressure Affects Academic Performance of Second Year Students Dependent Variable: Academic performance of second year students Independent Variable: Peer Pressure Objective: To know how academic performance among second year high school students is being affected by peer pressure. Introduction: To be successful in life, one must begin by being successful in school. In high school, we were all told to work hard so that we could get good grades and scores that would get…
Risks” tab) and answer the following True/False Questions by typing a T or F after each question. 4. Getting software through a peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing network is legal. f 5. Files and software obtained through peer-to-peer sites may contain viruses and spyware. t 6. The only way to protect yourself and your computer from the risks associated with peer-to-peer file sharing is to stay off of P2P networks completely. t Click on the “You Get Bounced” link (still under the “Know the Risks”…
In 1978, William Zinsser, a master of Branford College at Yale University, using a sympathetic tone sends a convincing message to college students, their parents and teachers through his essay called “College Pressures.” In this essay, Zinsser unmasks a horrible master that have been torturing and slavering the college students depriving them from the joy of the “college experience.” This malevolent master has been ruling this nation for decades, convincing everyone that success has to be measure…
Bullying in schools has become a national dilemma. It affects students and makes many students not feel safe in school. Bullying has both short term and long term effects on the victim as well as the bully. Most of these problems will start in middle school and continue to growth throughout the high school year. Many school have restricted rules against bullying; however, many of these schools do not follow their own rules. Students are bullied in all short of places such as hallways, locker room…
in the U.S. Together they began to teach sign language to Americans and they developed a unique sign language in the United States. This was a huge success in America and students came from all across the country to attend this school. As a result of these students coming from various parts of the United States, the students brought their own signs with them. The American Sign Language was greatly influenced by the French Sign Language created by Clerc, as well as signs from Martha’s Vineyard community…
There is the student recreation center for health and fitness, along with Kresge Library that offers tutoring, and everything in between. A major bonus on campus is the Graham Health Center. The Graham Health Center provides clinic and injury services to Oakland University students. Faculty are allowed to use these services if they obtain a work related injury or have an illness. With the services offered one could wonder if the Graham Health Center is being effectively used by students. The Graham…
public secondary school, student body 3,421, grades 9-12. The second model is Gwinnett Christian Academy, student body 309, grades 9-12. What are the most important issues you currently face in ensuring all students achieve their potential? School (A) explains that the most important issue they are facing is the absence of funding for new teachers placement, and parent involvement. School (B) believes that the most important issue is outdated materials (funds), and students entering from public schools…