Essay on Different School Model

Submitted By Tawanda-Green
Words: 1563
Pages: 7

Different School Models
Part One

In my city I had the pleasure of visiting two very unique school models, public and private. My reasoning behind this choice was based on my experience in the public school system, and my lack of knowledge as to how private schools facilitate learning. The first model is Brookwood High School, a public secondary school, student body 3,421, grades 9-12. The second model is Gwinnett Christian Academy, student body 309, grades 9-12.
What are the most important issues you currently face in ensuring all students achieve their potential? School (A) explains that the most important issue they are facing is the absence of funding for new teachers placement, and parent involvement. School (B) believes that the most important issue is outdated materials (funds), and students entering from public schools no motivation to learn.
How are you addressing these issues? School (A) is working with parents and student’s organization in providing information to uninvolved parents, and students using a motivational approach called, “Think Big”. Think Big is a Saturday class for families, and the goal is to bring parents and students together to create a life vision activity by thinking big. Schools (B) depend on private donations and tuition for funding since the federal government does not provide funding’s.
What role does technology play in classrooms to support teaching and learning? School (A) believes that role of technology play a vital role in supporting teaching and learning, because it foster individual learning, new discovers and critical thinking skills. School (B) also believes that technology play an important role in supporting teaching and learning, and students will not succeed without it.
One subject that students need the most support: School (A) describes math as a vital feature for stability. It is important, because they want students to recognize the difference in buying what they want, verses buying what they need for stability. School (B) believes that reading is the most important subject to master, because if students are able to read the teachings of God, he will supply all their needs.
What do you see as the most important skills to be taught? School (A) states that holding students accountable for their learning is the most important skills that should be taught because students must take responsibility for their learning. School (B) believes that most important skill is teaching students to live effectively and productively as Christians.
How would you identify 21st-century skills? School (A) described the 21st century skills as a longevity approach to life successes. However, in the way in which public schools are operated, there is little or no time to teach this because districts put too much pressure on teachers concerning academics success. In contrast, School (B) believes that God has set up moral-principles, in order to handle the problems that will occur in the lives of student’s. How would you describe the teaching in your classroom? School (A) states that the school supports students in forming small groups with peers because they realize that students learn differently. School (B) describes the teaching as hands on, and personalized for each learning style. Students are given more opportunities to work at their individual pace, or in groups.
What role do you see students having in the teaching and learning process? School (A) states that most of the students lack motivation and parental support which is necessary in activating the teaching and learning process. School (B) states that student’s role in the teaching and learning process is ascertaining and learning from peers using a Christian perspective.
How has teaching changed over the years? School (A) believes that the teachings are the same but this generation of students is not, and they will continue to change as technologies continue to evolve. School (B) believes that the moment prayer was taken out