List The Five Ways That Software Piracy Can Hurt You?
Submitted By Rebel_PvP
Words: 993
Pages: 4
Access the following link to answer the questions below: Save file into your folder and answer on this document.
Use the “Know the Risks” tab to answer the following questions:
1. Highlight the correct answer. Software piracy is a big problem as in _________________ of dollars.
a. Thousands
b. Millions
c. Billions
2. List the five ways that software piracy can hurt you? (Hint, they all start with “You get….”)
You Get Duped:
You Get Burned:
You Get Bounced: You Get Booted: You Get Busted:
3. Click on the “You Get Duped” link (still under the “Know the Risks” tab) and explain what makes you question the authenticity of these advertisements for Grand Artiste 3.5. In other words, do they look too good to be true? Why?
The fact that the ad says retail 495 and they are selling it for 45 makes me question the authenticity of this ad
Click on the “You Get Burned” link (still under the “Know the Risks” tab) and answer the following True/False Questions by typing a T or F after each question. 4. Getting software through a peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing network is legal. f 5. Files and software obtained through peer-to-peer sites may contain viruses and spyware. t 6. The only way to protect yourself and your computer from the risks associated with peer-to-peer file sharing is to stay off of P2P networks completely. t Click on the “You Get Bounced” link (still under the “Know the Risks” tab) and answer the following questions:
7. List three penalties you could face if caught illegally downloading computer software at college.
Locked Out
Hauled In
Turned Over
Click on the “You Get Booted” link (still under the “Know the Risks” tab) and answer the following questions:
8. Why don’t most companies hire college graduates who have copyright violations or other like charges on their records? What are the risks?
They have too much at risk in the company. The risk are paying millions in fines
9. Would you hire someone (assume you have your own company) who thinks there is no harm in stealing intellectual property by downloading computer software, music, movies, and games? Why or why not?
No because I would not want to pay millions in fines
10. According to the memo on this web page, what percentage of corporate managers monitor their employee’s use of the Internet?
11. What percentage of corporate managers would fire or discipline employees who engage in illegal downloading on the job?
Click on the “You Get Busted” link (still under the “Know the Risks” tab) and answer the following True/False Questions by typing a T or F after each question.
12. Copyright piracy is only a crime if you do it to make money. f 13. Making illegal copies of software, music, movies, or games is stealing. t 14. You can be sued for up to $150,000 in damages for EACH copyrighted work that you copy illegally. t 15. You cannot be sent to jail for copyright piracy. f 16. Read the “Campus Pirate Pleads Guilty” case on this web page and answer the following questions:
a. What is a ripper?
Someone who steals priated software
b. How many years in prison is this student facing?
Use the “Keep it Legal” tab to answer the following question:
17. Which three of the seven tips listed on this web page could you personally use to help yourself “keep it legal?”
Read the Fine Print Look at the Label
Suspect a Bargain
Use the “Protect Your Personal Space” tab to answer the following True/False Questions by typing a T or F after each question.
18. There is no place online where you can operate outside the law. t 19. Sites like YouTube and MySpace are cracking down on members who upload copyrighted content to their sites without permission. t 20. You cannot be held responsible for copyrighted