Some would say that Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computers Inc., was an exceptional leader. However, there are many who would disagree with that statement. Jobs could define leadership in some aspects, yet he fell short in others. Jobs’ leadership style is difficult to pin down because his position fit very many styles. Steve Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976 and in 1984 he created the Macintosh, the first small computer with a graphic interface. Unfortunately in 1985 Jobs was forced to leave after an internal power struggle with the companies CEO. Jobs later returned to a struggling Apple after 12 years and turned the company around. During the 12 years he was away, Steve Jobs created successful companies such as Pixar and NeXT. Pixar I have enjoyed learning more about his leadership and his career. Jobs has made me realize that there is no cookie cutter style of leadership that one person can follow. I found it helpful to relate different leadership styles to an actual person. To have a detailed explanation about how the text about leadership changes into real life is useful. He has made me open my eyes to the possibility that no one leadership position is more effective than another. Jobs was not necessarily the warmest of bosses yet he was still able to find that personal connection with his customers. Steve Jobs was able to interest and excite the consumer to have his latest “miracle.” Not every leader is great at everything, even the best struggle with certain aspects of their leadership. For me, I can see how the lessons that I have learned in my research will apply in my future. I have learned not to ever give up, always keep your eyes focused on the goal ahead. No matter how big or small the project is, the end goal is the same; success. Steve Jobs’ ability to rise above disappointment or despair and move on with such drive to succeed is extraordinary. This drive has motivated me to want to strive for the same. Steve Jobs has given me the examples of leadership that shows that how a strong leader can revolutionize the world. Think of how many homes have Iphones, Ipads, Ipods, or any other Apple product in their home. The products have become the “norm” in many homes. What a
Steve Job’s Leadership Style. Hoang Vu Dang Ha Bristol University Steve Job’s Leadership Style. Leadership style is a leader's style of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. There are many different leadership styles such as leaders in the political, business or other fields. Steve Jobs (24th February, 1955 – 5th October, 2011) is one of the most remarkable leadership people in modern history and he is well-known as the co-founder, chairman…
Creating My Ding in the Universe with Steve Jobs’ Footprint Outline Shamika Jaudon COLL148 August 10, 2014 Dr. Penny Wilkins DeVry University I. Introduction A. Discovering My Own Leadership B. If Steve Jobs Can Do It, So Can I C. Let Me Introduce a True Leader and Role Model: Steve Jobs D. The Footprint of Leadership and Achievement: Modeling Steve Jobs E. The Footsteps of a Role Model to Mold Me into IT Engineering Leadership II. Networking & Communication Management into…
Steve Jobs Outline Michael Spellberg Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving August 10, 2014 Professor Ketsia Mcclease DeVry University Steve Jobs Outline I.Introduction The greatest visionary and leader the late Steve Jobs, he revolutionized the world with his innovations and leadership, he was the leader who brought PC to the mass business sector, then happened to make music players and cell telephones that consumer cherished. His small telephones were packed with so much processing…
Edwards and Steve Lynch there is a wide array of readiness levels, motivators and leadership styles. One of the first items to address in situational leadership is the readiness level of each employee. Each employee has a different readiness level as well as motivators and need to be led individually to meet their full potential. Jim heads up the engineering crew. Jim is an R4 in the continuum of performance readiness. He is not only confident in his ability to complete the job well; he also…
Leadership Styles of Carly Fiorina and Steve Jobs Running head: LEADERSHIP STYLES OF CARLY FIORINA AND STEVE JOBS 1 Leadership Styles of Carly Fiorina and Steve Jobs Group 1 Management 4314 MGT4314 Submitted to Dr. Stephanie Solansky Leadership Styles of Carly Fiorina and Steve Jobs Leadership Styles of Carly Fiorina and Steve Jobs Carly Fiorina took a leadership position as CEO of Hewlett-Packard for about 6 years. She brought to Hewlett-Packard (HP) nearly twenty years of experience…
Introduction The book I choose for this Leadership Book Analysis paper was the biography of Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. This books starts from way back in Steve’s childhood and then tells us everything about Steve’s legacy and how he changed the way we see the world today. Steve Jobs was adopted, but he was aware of this at a very early stage of his life. Sometimes, he would cry because he felt he was abandoned, however his parents would tell him they loved him very much and they would strongly…
National University The article gives a brief description of how Steve Jobs, founder of the Apple Inc., grew the company into the world’s leading computer company. Starting from literally the ground up by forming the company out of his parents’ garage, Jobs was able to use his leadership qualities to form one of the world’s most desirable companies. Apple has grown exponentially in the last several years due in large part…
Horwitz IB). In this case, the Furniture and bedding retail sales team member have race and gender diversity. Steve, as a team leader, has a potential sexist and racist. Therefore, the background and gender bias lead to a severe irrationality for Steve. Although all members make their best efforts to have a large exceed in sales target, they have been verbally abused or even threatened of losing job in private. Before members communicate at the 12th month, Sheila, Carmen and Mahmoud may complain about…
of Steve Jobs I have put him as one of my inspiration from my very childhood. Many have found his character or leadership role as very arrogant and egoistic, when I found that he was a go-getter type of person. It was a very sad moment when he passed away after stepping down from Apple. It’s been told in many articles and news that his leadership model is something that many cannot follow and may who will follow, has higher chances of failing. I have wanted to do a research on his leadership method…
developing trained corporate employees with leadership skills and the ambition to take on a leadership positions within a company. Succession planning makes the availability of experienced and capable employees that are prepared to take on a leadership role as the time comes for availability". "In the business world many companies have been strategizing better ways to identify, develop, and retain their talent for decades" In correlations with Apple's CEO Steve Jobs, who influenced more than just computer…