Sarah Ann Flynn
LSTD 300
Professor: Baird
22 February 2015
Week 7: Research Paper
The Department of Veterans Affairs v. Social Security Administration
The social Security Administration and the Department of Veterans Affairs are two governmental agencies that deal with topics such as medical care and supplemental income for disabled individuals. Both organizations have their own rules and requirements for eligibility. Each has its own unique purposes for existing as well. This essay will compare and contrast the Department of Veterans Affairs with the Social Security Administration in an attempt to explain why a veteran deemed disabled by one should qualify for the other, without running a risk of denial. I will first explain the history of the two programs and dig deep into the roots of the agencies. Next I will answer the following questions: Were the programs meant to be a temporary fix? Were these programs meant to be permanent? What types of help is offered from each one? What are the steps to seeking help from the programs? What to do if denied? And how does the Administrative Law apply to these agencies.
VA History- In 1776, The Continental Congress, in an effort to gain an increase in enlistment during the Revolutionary war, started a pension program for soldiers that had become disabled.
These soldiers received medical care and supportive services from their individual states, and their community hospitals. Back then the help was only provided to the veteran, and the support seemed to be limited to only routine medical care and hospital stays. Interestingly enough, the United States is said to have the most comprehensive system of assistance for veterans of any nation in the world. This benefits system traces its roots back to 1636, when the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony were at war with the Pequot Indians. The Pilgrims passed a law which stated that disabled soldiers would be supported by the colony1. The very first official VA medical facility was built in 1811, after the federal government approved of it. It was not until later in the 19th century when the facility would expand its veteran’s assistance services to include benefits and pensions for veterans, their widows and other dependent family members of the veterans who were injured, and soldiers who had died in service. Part of these additions included legislation that helped to create the Domiciliary Care Program in the late 1860’s2. The Domiciliary Original purpose was to provide a home for disabled volunteer soldiers of the Civil War. Now, the Domiciliary has evolved from a Soldiers' Home to become an active clinical rehabilitation and treatment program for male and female Veterans2ID. In 1917 Congress started a whole new set of programs to assist the veterans of World War 1. The programs would include a compensation for the, insurance to soldiers and veterans, and assistance with employment and rehabitation (VOC-REHAB) for disabled veterans. By the time the 1920’s came around, the government will have started three separate agencies that would support the veterans: the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, the Veterans Bureau, and the Bureau of Pensions of the Interior Department. In 1930 the three agencies that came to support the veterans during WWI would gain the favor of congress and soon after, Congress sought the approval from the President of the United States to "consolidate and coordinate Government activities affecting war veterans". The three component agencies became bureaus within the Veterans Administration1ID. They would monitor and manage the activities of the soldiers and veterans. The first Administrator of Veterans Affairs, Brigadier General Frank T. Hines was selected. It is then that the three agencies became one and thus gave birth to the Department of Veterans Affairs.
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