Essay about Channels of Distribution

Words: 1119
Pages: 5

Members of the class are required to prepare a course project, not to exceed 15 pages of text (excluding, title page, table of contents, reference page and appendices) on the theme of channels of distribution. With this theme, the project is intended to be an opportunity to explore in depth a topic related to this course that is of specific significance to you.

In developing the project, select one of the topics outlined below. This is not a ‘book report’. The course project is a Channels of Distribution Analysis Report. This is a graduate level research paper complete with analysis and evaluation of your findings. Your project should be written in 3rd person (no first person such as ‘I recommend’) and should focus on one of the

Choose references judiciously and cite them accurately. Choose references from multiple sources. Keller uses the services of Turnitin to detect and verify outside sources used in research paper. This is available to you to check your paper before you submit it for grading to ensure the integrity of your work. Please see the Turnitin tab located on the shell under Course Home. Possible sources include:

Marketing Management Journals
Marketing and Sales Journals
Wholesaler Digest
Journal of Retaining
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of Advertising
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Marketing News
Business Week
Advertising Age
Specific Industry Trade Publications
NOTE: and, as examples, are NOT considered reliable and credible sources. Please do not use these or similar sources as graduate level references.

Grading Rubric

Your paper should include and will be graded on the following components.

Category Points % Description
Title Page 5 2% Title of the Channels of Distribution paper, your name, date, course name and number.
Introduction 10 5% Identify clearly and explain the issue and the significance of the issue that you have selected. Remember, what, on the surface, appears to be the issue, may merely be a symptom of the real issue. (Suggested length: 1-2 paragraphs)