Chris O'Neill
EWRT 211
Reflective Essay
November 25, 2013
Reflective Essay When the semester first began, I was unsure if EWRT 211 was going to be like any other English classes I've taken in the past. I could safely say that, this class was nothing like I've experienced before. For our first assignment, we were told to write a detailed analysis and our understanding of the authors message. I was introduced to citing quotes and writing page numbers and immediately started to make it a habit. The next new idea that was introduced to me was writing concert specific details. For example, in high school I gave very broad examples and rarely gave my nouns a name. I struggled to get used to this new writing style. After writing a couple essays in this class I've learned from my mistakes of not giving enough specific details. Ive tried to improve my writing with better structure and techniques. Therefore, I feel I am prepared for EWRT 1A because I have established to write a structured essay with a strong thesis with specific examples with a common theme. In the first in class essay the writing style had been extremely close too what I had been used too. It wasn't until my second in class essay,"New ways to Defuse Violence", that I learned the importance of structure of the essay. This essay required us to compare and contrast between two different articles and give a detailed analyze of them. This way of writing was foreign to me because no one had ever asked me to do this. Writing a four paragraph essay instead of a three or five threw me off as well. I began to understand what needed to go in each paragraph. For example, while taking notes in class I've learned that you start with your introductory with your thesis sentence, then two body paragraphs with examples and finally a conclusion paragraph. With this I have learned that the essay structure you write all the depends on what content you have. In my first typed essay, "The Advancement of Social Media", I was told to write a well thought out essay about three different essays in relation to social media. I was also told I had to write three different personal examples for each of these essays. While writing this essay I tried to use examples in
EDUC 9705: Reflective Response 1 1 SUMMARY OF THE ARTICLE: Liddicoat, A.(2002). Static and Dynamic Views of Culture and Intercultural Language Acquisition (p. 4-11), Babel, Volume 36, No.3- Autumn 2002. Culture is the sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings, transmitted from one generation to another. Speaking or expressing ourselves is a cultural act having the potential to be misinterpreted in intercultural situations. Although included in language teaching, culture has…
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account or see 6,000 by uploading a new document. Search thousands of free essays... Search MY ACCOUNT HELP CONTACT Assignment 302 Essay Upgrade Your Account Below is a free essay on "Assignment 302" from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. This is a Premium essay for upgraded members. Please upgrade your account to view this essay. Ai – What is reflective practice? Reflective practice is a process to help evaluate your work. It provides opportunities…
Semester 2014 School of Liberal Arts Course Name: Composition II Course Number: ENG 112 Section Number: 064 Credits: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Credits: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Instructor’s Name: Dr. Joy Ellen Parker Office Hours & Location: MW 12:30-1:30; 3:30-5:30/TR 3:30-5:30 in FH 1026 Campus Phone: 567.661.7680 Campus E-mail: Additional Contact Information: Reminder: You must email me using your Owens email, or I will not be able to respond to you. Catalog Description:…
The submission deadline of your final ePortfolio is [DATE] at 12:00 pm, high noon. To submit your ePortfolio please make it publicly viewable. (We will talk about how to enable the publicly viewable option.) I. Its Contents A. The Basics Required Artifacts: Reflective Introduction (58 pages, approx. 1500 words minimum) Historical Conversations Project, Graded Version (with or without final grade and comments) Advocacy Project, Graded Version While the required elements will give a basic shape to your ePortfolio…
SKILLS The aim of this essay is to give the reader an overview of the types of study skills necessary for a student to study for and attain a Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector. In it I will discuss my personal approach to study and the study skills I need to use on the programme. The essay will highlight the skills I feel are my current strengths and draw attention to the areas I need to develop. I will briefly describe and evaluate some different reflective models and in relation…
strategies used in health and social care environment to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interaction This essay will evaluate strategies used in health and social care environment to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interaction. This essay will include: Verbal communication Employing a befriender Reflective listening Translator Braille Hearing aid Voice-activated Cultural differences Verbal communication Using verbal communication…
The aim of this assignment is to give a reflective account on group presentation and the peer assessment process as well as the development of a personal action plan. It would involve using ‘The What? Model of Structured Reflection’ (Driscoll 2007) to analyse the experience of using a group designed assessment tool to assess my peers and the experience of being peer assessed. Additionally, experience of completing a group presentation would be reflected upon. A personal action plan which identifies…
com/are-catholic-schools-better-than-public/For other uses, see Essay (disambiguation). Essays of Michel de Montaigne An essay is generally a short piece of writing written from an author's personal point of view, but the definition is vague, overlapping with those of an article and a short story. Essays can consist of a number of elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. Almost all modern essays are written in prose,…
Reflective writing During your time at university you will spend a lot of your time thinking – thinking about what people have said, your reading, your own thinking and how your thinking has changed. The thinking process involves two aspects: reflective thinking and critical thinking. Rather than being two separate processes they are closely connected. (Brookfield 1987) Reflective thinking Reflection is a form of personal response to experiences, situations, events or new information. It is…