Rabbit-proof Fence Essay

Submitted By mariame-diallo
Words: 1350
Pages: 6

“To get through the hardest journey we need to take only one step at a time, but we must keep stepping” Good morning my fellow students and Vanessa .A journey is generally defined as a movement from one place to another but there is more to it. Journeys can be significant as an individual makes decisions in real situations and experiences the choices they make. Everyone will face a journey at some point of their life weather your young or old .Journeys can be physical, inner or imaginative and can lead to moral growth and self-discovery .The concept of journey can be explored through the text “The rabbit proof fence” and “the road not taken. In the rabbit, proof fence the director Phillip Noyce applies techniques such as camera angles, motif and symbols to tell the story of the injustice policy enforced by the government towards aboriginal people during the 1930. The journey of Molly, her sister Daisy and Cousin Gracie was both physically and emotionally painful as the girls escape from captivity in Moore River to travel 1500 miles back home to Jigalong through the harsh Western Australian outback. The rabbit proof demonstrates that sometimes we could face journeys without a choice. “The road not taken” is a poem by Robert Frost is a physical journey that relates to life choices and reflecting on personal decisions. Frost applies languages techniques such as metaphor and symbolism to portray the complicated choice individuals face within journeys. Journeys can be a process that leads to a greater understanding about your strength and weakness through challenges and obstacles encountered. In this speech, I will be discussing my personal understanding of the concept journey through both the “Rabbit proof fence” and the “road not taken “

In the rabbit proof Phillip Noyce, express the changes and obstacles the girls encountered during their journey and the little freedom and choice the aboriginal people had. In this, Molly and the girls had to take a journey home after been forcefully snatched from their family. As Molly being the oldest, took responsibility and began to understand her strength and weakness; she overcomes her fear and was determined to get back to where she belonged. On her journey, she took every opportunity that could help her get to her destination. The distance, harsh environment and lack of resources formed a physical and emotional weariness but that did not stop Molly it made her stronger. Noyce focuses on verity of camera techniques; he captures the painful journey using strong images. Noyce applies close up camera angles to capture the fear and confusion on the girl’s facial expressions in the removal scene. The shots emphasise the distress of the abduction to the mother and the girls filming through the glass as the girls distant their family indicating the separation without a choice. Noyce also applies the camera technique of a long –range shot of the Rabbit proof fence vanishing into the distance. This represented the long distance still ahead of the journey, also gives the audience the view of how terrible heat haze in the Western Australia desert is. Just the geographic distance exhausted the girls both physically and mentally. This harsh journey has affected the girl’s development emotionally and intellectually especially Molly, throughout the journey she had grown from the innocent little girl to a mature girl who has so much confident in herself, and nothing in her way could stop her from achieving her goal. The tracking shot of Molly carrying her sister daisy allows the audience to see the strong and determined side of her. You can see the pain in her eyes but somehow that pain made her even stronger to complete her journey. Phillip Noyce applies these camera techniques so that the audience can empathises with the three girls and illustrates how others can force journeys upon you and we are powerless to stop it

Phillip Noyce displays the use of symbolism and motif throughout the film to