Principles of Positive Risk-Taking for Individuals with Disabilities Essay

Submitted By Cornel-Samoila
Words: 2390
Pages: 10

CU272P/ CT272 Principles Of Positive Risk-Taking For Individuals With Disabilities

1. Know the importance of risk taking in everyday life for individuals with disabilities

1.1 Identify aspects of everyday life in which risk plays a part

Risk is defined by the probability of injury, harm, loss or danger. We all take risks every day, and don’t even think about implications.
Risk taking: individual, social, organisational, environmental.
Some adults, for example disabled people or older people, are often discouraged from taking risks. Traditionally they are not encouraged to take risks in areas such as budgeting, planning, employment and daily living skills (personal care, cooking, shopping etc.)
It is however possible to minimise and prepare for risk by protective action. To support people to live independently or to travel independently or take part in everyday activities means accepting that there are risks that cannot be avoided but can be minimised and prepared for.

1.2 Identify aspects of everyday life in which, traditionally, individuals with disabilities were not encouraged to take risks

They would not have been allowed to hold and spend any money, be able and encouraged to feed themselves, cook for themselves (risk of cutting, burning), or even dress themselves in items of clothing of their choice (risk of ridicule), the reason for not washing themselves could have been due to risk of drowning or flooding the building (health and safety issues).

1.3 Outline the consequences for individuals with disabilities of being prevented or discouraged from taking risks

If individuals with disabilities are being prevented or discouraged from taking risks, then consequences are negative: timidity, reticence, shyness, dependence, skills development, and exclusion.

1.4 Explain how supporting individuals to take risks can enable them to have choice over their lives to:
-gain in self-confidence
-develop skills
-take an active part in their community

By supporting individuals to take risks, we actually help them building confidence, developing life skills and knowledge, gain a role in the community, independence. It is important to manage risks for people to make decisions as safely as possible. Risks must be clear and understood.

2. Understand the importance of positive, person-centred risk assessment

2.1 Explain how a person-centred approach to risk assessment can have a more positive outcome than traditional approaches

Traditional methods of risk assessment are full of charts and scoring systems, but the person, their objectives, dreams and life seem to get forgotten. A person centred approach focuses on the individuals rights to have the lifestyle that they chose, including the right to make 'bad' decisions. It is about helping people and those who care about them think in a positive and productive way in order to achieve the changes they want while keeping the issue of risk away.
Risk management is the activity where positive and negative risks are identified.

2.2 Identify the features of a person centred approach to risk assessment

Person-centred approach: decision making processes; risk minimisation and preparation; short-term risk, long-term gain; guidance, support and involvement; promoting opportunity, empowering, enabling.
Working in a personalised way and developing a positive person-centred approach means accepting there are risks that cannot be avoided but which can be prepared for

Person-centred planning is an approach based on the principles of rights, independence, choice and inclusion used to help service users work out what they want to do with their lives, and then determine how services and support in the wider community can fit the needs of the individual so that they are supported to achieve their aspirations.

2.3 Describe ways in which traditional risk assessments have tended to have a negative focus

The traditional risks assessments have negative focus, everyday situations are avoided or