Essay about Principles Of Communication In Adult So

Submitted By hollingsworthamy
Words: 614
Pages: 3

Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings
1.1 – Identify different reasons why people communicate:
Sharing knowledge and ideas
Expressing feelings
Giving instructions
Sharing opinions

1.2 – Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of working in adult social care settings: Within my care setting I communicate a lot with that being with Service users, colleagues, and my line manager. Effective communication is important as it ensures that information is: clear, accurate, non-judgmental, and informative. This reduces the possibility of mistakes being made, and ensuring appropriate care service is being delivered. It is important to work as a team with your colleagues, so that you all work to achieve the same outcomes and targets.

1.3 – Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reaction when communicating with them: To see what the individual is trying to express to enable effective communication either that be the individual trying to provide an insight on what they’re trying to get across, this could be by verb, non-verbal communication, eye contact, gestures and body language. Maybe even with facial expressions.

2.1 – Explain why it is important to find out an individual’s communication and language needs, wish and preferences: Enable effective communication to understand what an individual is trying to express as well as the individuals beliefs, culture, and values. To stop an individual becoming stressed out, frightened or frustrated because they cannot get their view across and helps to support an individual in their daily life.
2.2 – Describe a range of communication methods: Non-verbal
Eye contact
Physical gestures
Body language
Linguistic tone and pitch

3.1 – Identify barriers of communication:
Lack of trained staff
Out-of-date equipment/out of service equipment
A noisy environment
A lack of privacy
Not understand the individual’s needs, wishes, beliefs and values
Physical/Sensory Impairments
Learning Disabilities
Difference in language
3.2 – Describe ways to reduce barriers of communication:
Speaking at an appropriate volume
Speaking in privacy
Speaking slowly, clearly with facial expressions and body language Showing you’re listening and interested whilst showing empathy
In a comfortable environment
3.3 – Describe ways to check that communication has been understood: Observe the individual you are communicating with, asking follow-up questions, prompting the individual to summarize or repeat bits of information you said, consulting with a third person getting them to check the individual has understood.
3.4 – Identify sources of information that support or