Philosophy Final Essay

Words: 1392
Pages: 6

PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy
Final Essay
Topic: Compare and contrast the concepts of determinism, compatibilism, and libertarianism, as outlined in Chapter 4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each of these positions? Which one do you believe is the most likely to be correct? Why?

In the Philosophy, Determinism has many different categories. Actually according to the textbook, the Determinism is the view that every event, including human actions, are brought about by previous events in accordance with the natural laws that govern the world. Human freedom is an illusion. Jewish philosopher Baruch Spinoza does not deny that people’s wishes and desires will lead to the soul, and he said, "but neglected one important

In other words, given a choice, “we could have done otherwise.” There is a "Brake theory" that belongs to the Libertarianism argues that the actions under “free will” are cases of "actors causal relationship", that is, from an actor leads to a result. In other words, a libertarian is likely to emphasis more on subjective randomly selected without external oppression, and any random selection reflects a kind of chance. However, once the people make choices under their “free will”, relative to the present results, the past is always a choice determinant. Just as the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle's "Battle of the problem", although in the "Today" perspective, whether the naval battle will occur "Tomorrow "cannot be determined, but if we guess that "Tomorrow " the naval battle will occur, and the naval battle actually took place the next day, then we look from "Tomorrow " to "today", the result is inevitable established. John Locke, a British philosopher, even thinks that, "If a man describes the will as 'free', that person is guilty of a 'category mistake'," and he also believes that the freedom is a power belongs only to the actors. Thomas Hobbs, another British philosopher, also considers the "free will" as an "absurd language". He believes that the freedom is defined by the will. As a result, the freedom cannot be used to describe the