Phase 2 Individual Project for Legal and Ethical Business Class Essay

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Phase 2 Individual Project
Arin Sanders
Colorado Technical University
Participating in international business can be very risky and lucrative all at the same time. It is important to know the key factors and controllers when doing business on foreign territory. There are many things to consider when you look at day to day operations and cultural differences, but more so what you do in the event of a national state of emergency. There are always political issues, and individual problems that each country deals with within their own country. What do you do when you are faced with a state of emergency, do you continue to stand your ground, leave and only choose to reappear when things have settled, or simply stop operations all together.

Vigilantes have gone to looting shops and companies and desecrating historical properties such as museums in the fits of their rage. After much research and consideration I deem it a risk to potential profits, safety of employees, and even the physical location of the business on foreign soil. These vigilantes are angry citizens who have decided to take the law into their own hand, and in which the government has very little control over at the moment. These insurgents have raided and cleared out police stations, and are harassing the people of this country and the government can’t really do anything to stop it. Continuing to run your business in Egypt can result in all of the following, but is certainly not limited to the raping and beating of employees, the death of employees’, the loss of physical property to run the day to day operations of the business, increased tariffs, and so much more if you don’t remove yourself at once. There is also going to be disconnection lost to internet and mobile phones which is also a huge source of business for us in the foreign country. Based on the recent events that have been validated and verified by the newspapers, internet, the president of the United States, and the research of my findings I urge you to act with the upmost sense of urgency to protect any vested interest in your business on foreign soil. If they would do this to their own businesses and people, what makes you think that we stand a