1.1. Define person-centred values Person-centred values: -treating people as individuals -supporting people to access their rights -supporting people to exercise choice -making sure people have privacy if they want it -supporting people to be as independent as possible -treating people with dignity and respect -recognising that working with people is a partnership rather than a relationship controlled by professionals Person-centred care has its focus on the person with an illness…
1.1 Explain how and why person centred values must influence all aspects of health and social care work. Person centred values influence all aspects of health and social care work, for the reason that by law requirements in regards to the Human Rights Act 1998, Health and Social Care Act 2012, along with Codes of Practice for Social Care Workers, health and social care should be based on person centred values. In the interest of individuals who are receiving care, it enables them to be treated with…
Explain Person Centred Practice Person centred practice is about placing a person at the centre of their own care. It is about making their care and treatment plan personalised to them and their needs. It is important that you get to know a service user well. This can be done by finding out their interests, their past and preferences. Staff need to build a good rapport with service users. This is essential in being able to provide appropriate and meaningful care to them. In Person Centred care we have…
Unit 4222-373 Support person-centred thinking and planning (LD 302) Outcome 1 Understand the principles and practice of person-centred thinking, planning and reviews, 1 Explain what person-centred thinking is, and how it relates to person-centred reviews and person-centred planning - This is when you as a carer must find a balance between what is important from and for the person. Person-centred planning is when you have to reflect on their capabilities and what support they may require now…
1.1 Explain what person-centred thinking is, and how it relates to person-centred reviews and person centred planning. Person-centred thinking is separating what is important to from, what is important for The people they support and finding a balance between them, person-centred planning reflects upon a person’s capacities, what is important to a person (now and for the future) and specifies the support they require to make a valued contribution to their community. Services are delivered in the…
CU3087 Lead Person Centred Practice 1.1 All patients should be treated as individuals and their care should reflect this. Person-centred practice is an approach that puts the client at the centre of their care and their care is structured around their individual needs. It involves them in making decisions about things that affect them (Health Foundation 2012). Person centred planning is crucial to providing quality care and support. It helps professional care and support workers find out what is…
means that every person receiving support either provided by the government or funded by him or herself will have choice and control in what they would like their care to be. (2) Describe the relationship between rights/choice and Personalisation The individual get their rights from legislation, human rights, and equalityrights. Under this legislation the individuals have the right to make their own choices i.e. social activities, intellectual activities, spiritualpersonal care, speciality activities…
PERSONS CENTRED CARE A Defintion of person-centred vaules: A person's centred values means that people who we support are able to be involed and included in every aspect of their support and care plan. such as Their needs,Assessments, support planning and Care delivering. So a persons centred approaches, policies and procedures and care practices should always put the residents at the centre of every day to day activities. Their plans should always include the residents and their family members…
What is Person Centred Planning Person centred planning is a set of approaches designed to assist someone plan their life with support. It is most often used as a model to enable people with disabilities or otherwise requiring support to increase their personal self determination and improve their own independence. It discovers and acts on what is important to the person. In dementia care is a key aspect of best practice. It is a way of caring for a person with dementia as an individual with…
give the power of attorney to someone to make those decisions for them. For example, they can assign their next of kin to make decisions for them and to take care of their finances while they are in a care home. If someone with dementia don’t have the capacity to make their own decisions, other professionals such as a doctor and their care will have to make those decisions for them but these decisions taken on their behalf will have to be on their best interest. For example, an individual will still…