1.1 All patients should be treated as individuals and their care should reflect this. Person-centred practice is an approach that puts the client at the centre of their care and their care is structured around their individual needs. It involves them in making decisions about things that affect them (Health Foundation 2012). Person centred planning is crucial to providing quality care and support. It helps professional care and support workers find out what is important to the person they support and enables services to be built around what matters most to that individual. When you get to know the client well, you can provide care that is more specific to their needs and therefore provide better…show more content… This enabled the patient to carry on with her everyday life, enjoying her glass of whiskey at night and ACRC ensuring he had his medication correctly every day. Person-centred practice may be on a larger scale. I.E. a stroke survivor may be entitled to Direct Payments which would enable him to conduct his own management of care and enable him to have rehab assistants and care assistants when he chose to have them. This may enable them to go shopping or to the gym or to day centres. The choice would be the clients. 2.1. As a senior care officer with ACRC it is my responsibility to work with clients and their families to establish their personal history. All clients have their individual care plan which show the client’s medical history and care needs. This will enable the care worker when caring for the client. As a senior care officer I would monitor the care worker to ensure they are abiding by the client’s wishes and needs .I.E if the Client has OCD and is obsessive with putting their clothes in order; the care worker would work alongside the patient and ensure that this is done.
2.2. 2.3 Care staff are given a weekly rota and the care workers feed back any information that the client requires a person-centred approach so this can be fed back to the other Care workers that visit. This is also documented in the client’s care plan. As a senior care officer I also observe this when I monitor the acre