Every year 300,000 lives are lost to obesity and it is the second most preventable disease in America. If people are willing to try and become thin and healthy the number of lives lost annually would decrease. Fat is essential to the body’s function, excess fat still puts people at risk. Although some people think the government should leave it to the individuals to take personal responsibility for their health and what they eat, the government should neutralize the influence of the food industry in determining what Americans eat, in order to stem the alarming rise in obesity related illness.
Obesity is when a person is retaining more energy from food than they use and are 20 percent or more over the recommended body weight. Some physicians believe obesity is a disease a person is born with. When a person is obese they are put at risk for heart disease, high-blood pressure, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. In 18th century Europe being heavier was a good thing, it was a sign of wealth because it meant that you were able to afford food. When food became easier to produce and manufacture in the 19th century the idea of being thin was the more sought after thing but with the easier and cheaper way to get food this idea was hard for most American’s to achieve. In the 1950’s the AMA (American Medical Association) issued a warning to Americans about how excessive weight can lead to heart disease. Eating disorders such as anorexia, nervosa, and bulimia began to show up in the late 1900’s due to the cultural influence of being thin. “They say that young girls learn through images in the media that they are most valued for their physical appearance, and that extreme thinness is attractive.” (endnote from eating disorders) Then in the 1990’s diet drugs began making an appearance. Many of the drugs were removed from the market due to health issues and 32% of people who used a diet drug showed heart valve abnormalities. The current life is less physically active due to the less physical jobs and the dependency on technology. If the American diet doesn’t chance then the countries obesity rate will continue to rise.
Some physicians believe that obesity isn’t the issue but that the fitness level of a person is more important. The diseases that have allegedly been linked to obesity have declined over the last 25 years and studies show that an 11 pound increase in weight lowers a person’s chance of arteriosclerosis (a condition that leads to heart disease) by 10 to 40 percent. When the body fat is located around the hips and thighs rather than their stomach it can help lower their risk for heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, and osteoporosis. A person who is underweight or their weight fluctuates have a greater risk of heart disease and premature death than those who are slightly overweight. It has also been said that obesity is a gene people are born with and it’s a disease that some people can’t change. Some doctors want insurance companies to pay the cost for weight loss programs but they also believe heavier people will be discriminated against and charge more money. I can see how some physicians believe that some extra weight can be healthy because being underweight is even worse for you and that having some extra weight around your hips and thighs protects a person from diseases. Doctors also say that people who are underweight tend to have a shorter life expectancy than people who are slightly overweight. Society has created movements, such as the Fat Acceptance Movement that makes people think it’s acceptable to be overweight. This is not a good thing because obesity is an illness that is caused by a poor diet and exercise and the lack of nutrition. Obesity needs to be stopped before it becomes more of an issue than it already is.
People who are obese are at higher risk for diseases and illness than those who are an average weight.” Excessive fat intake is a leading cause of obesity, and can increase people’s
Services, obesity has dramatically increased in the US over the past twenty years (http:// www.cdc.gov). Each year over 300,000 US adults die from obesity related causes (http:// www.cdc.gov). A leading health indicator for Healthy People 2020 is overweight and obesity (http://www.healthypeople.gov/HP2020). As of 2008, 33.8% of the US health population is considered obese by a BMI of thirty or greater. 32.2% of those obese people are men and 35.5% are women (http:// www.cdc.gov). Obesity is a widespread…
Childhood Obesity Christina Hunt Mastering College Writing II ENGL1020 Dr. Jane Watkins June 25, 2012 Abstract Childhood obesity has increased to epidemic levels over the past two decades. Twenty-five percent of American kids are overweight and eleven percent are considered obese. Children who are overweight or obese are known to have significant physical and psychological health complications. Some contributing factors to the disease are environmental factors, lifestyle…
Obesity among young children declines slightly The number of young children who are obese and extremely obese is going down, according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In what researchers say is the first national study to show that the prevalence of obesity among young children may have begun to decline, scientists analyzed data from more than 27 million children from low-income families between the ages of 2 and 4 in 30 states and the District of Columbia…
Childhood Obesity: Private or Public Problem Obesity in America is a growing problem, more than one third of the children and adolescents in the United States are considered overweight or obese. Since 1980 the number of obese children and adolescents has almost tripled. Genetics, parenting habits and poor lifestyles, particularly poor nutrition and lack of physical activity are significant factors that have lead to childhood obesity. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention article on Obesity…
has an obesity problem. We are consuming too much junk food which leads to obesity. One in four adults in New Zealand is obese. And this number is rapidly rising. We need to solve the obesity problem in New Zealand’s society before it becomes a nationwide epidemic. If we do not solve the obesity problem, it will negatively affect the nation’s economy, health care, life expectancy and future generations. Even though the problem of obesity is so large, we could solve the problem using a number of different…
Obesity is a chronic state of being overweight. It's a life threatening condition and recent research has shown that obesity is the leading cause for the increased health risks that individuals of the developed world face. Obesity increases a person's risk for contracting diabetes, heart problems, strokes, certain kinds of cancer etc. What's worse is the over two thirds of the industrialized world's population is suffering from obesity and that's putting them in greater health dangers. Formerly…
Hadi Hamali Student Number: 201297846 Course Name (MSTM 410A) Program of Study (Bachelor of Food Technology) Facilitator Name: Christopher McCulloch Supervisor Name: Fawaz Al-Qarni Submission Date: Feb 16,2016 Source Entry #1 BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Source Type: Article Mahshid Dehghan, N. A.-D. (2005). Childhood obesity, prevalence and prevention. Nutrition Journal , 4-24. Page Number Length: This article is 8 pages in length Author Credibility The issues of obesity in the children and a…
The Status Quo of Childhood Obesity Junrui Chen University of Southern California USC Language Academy IPPAM Reading and Writing Dr. Heather Robertson December 4, 2013 The status quo of childhood obesity Today, childhood obesity has become one of the most important health threats all over the world, especially in the United States. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), the number of children obesity increases rapidly in the past 30 years (CDC…
David A. (2008). Neighborhood fast food outlets and obesity in children and adults: the Clan Study. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity. Vol. 3 Issue 4, p249-256. 8p. 3 Charts. Neighborhood fast food outlets and obesity in children and adults In this article that is very important to me is that they write about to inform the development of effective intervention strategies it is important to understand the underlying drivers of the obesity epidemic. There is a growing body of evidence that…
Essay number: #3 Intro: http://www.teenink.com/hot_topics/health/article/304713/Obesity-in-America/ America is one of the most obese countries in the world, and the reasons are quite obvious. Just take a look around you. Fast food chains on every block (unhealthy foods are much less expensive than the healthy foods we should be eating), more and more technology to make our lives easier (and lazier), and high amounts of stress are all factors to weight gain in our country. A recent study in…