When I plan and organise a meeting I have to ensure everything is taken into consideration in order to help guarantee the meeting runs smoothly and everything is as the Councillors and officers expect it to be. First on the list is to ensure a room has been booked and if it hasn’t to book a room for the appropriate time and ensure there is sufficient parking available for the Councillors and any external officers. I do this by calling Mouchel and booking sufficient spaces to comply with the amount of people it is needed for. This information is then sent over to our receptionists to put out a sign in the morning of the meeting to hold the spaces for the time required and this acts as a sign…show more content… Health and Safety posters and notices are located throughout the building with clearly marked exit points. At the front of the building where most of the members come through, there is a health and safety board which is pointed out as walking past in case they are unfamiliar with the health and safety regulations of the building. As the internal officers and Councillors have already been safety briefed I do not need to ensure they are re-briefed; unless they ask. However, when members of the public come to sit in on a meeting the chair person will give a brief to ensure they are aware of the nearest exits and meeting points around the building in case of the fire or terrorist/bomb alarm sounding.
Security needs to be at its best especially if the public are entering the building to sit in on a meeting. When I collect any member of the public from the reception I ensure they have a visitor’s badge which lets me know they have signed in with the reception staff. In order to ensure that members of the public aren’t wandering around the building at the end of meetings they will always be escorted back to the reception either by another officer of LCC or me – this helps to cut down any risk or breakdown in security.
When a meeting is planned I ensure that there are sufficient copies of spare agendas and any additional sheets. This is to ensure that if anyone forgets their agenda which was despatched in the post they can still obtain one easily in