Notes for P4 Essay

Submitted By MDhillonx1
Words: 414
Pages: 2

Explain two theories of aging
Write about the life of chosen celebrity as they grow older. Physical and psychological changes that could affect the Amy in the future. * Disengaging theory * Activity theory * Continuity theory * Contemporary theory
Disengagement theory – Proposed older people would naturally tend to withdraw from social involvements as they got older – in part due to restricted opportunities to interact with others. * Eg, Mobility – Hearing or visions can make interaction difficult. * Ill health – Reduce social contact with you due to health. * Retirement - Less contact with colleagues in social setting * Travel and technology – No access to car, internet and phone * Geographical mobility – Live away from family and friends.
Older people would experience a reduction in social contact. Decrease friends and won’t go out as much. Natural process, this may not be a general rule for everyone. Some choose to spend time with existing friends and not make new ones.
Activity Theory
A theory which argues that older people need to stay mentally and socially active in order to limit the risks associated with disengagement. Important to remain mentally active and maintain an interest in life and enjoy the company of others. Older people needed to disengage but too much disengagement would lead to stagnation and loss of mental and physical health skills.
Continuity theory
A theory that older people will generally maintain a continues sense of who they are and continue to adapt the self-concept they develop in earlier life. People can continue to develop an internal sense of self-esteem and self-concept. Past memories are