Nfc Near Field Communication Essay

Words: 3558
Pages: 15

Near Field Communication in the real world
Turning the NFC promise into profitable, everyday applications

Innovision Research & Technology plc

Near Field Communication in the real world – part I

1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 4.1 5 Introduction ................................................................................................ 3 Technology and standards in line ............................................................ 4 An application enabler.................................................................................. 4 Commercial drivers ...................................................................................... 4 How NFC works

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Near Field Communication in the real world – part I

First and foremost, NFC makes new revenue-generating interactive and content-rich services easier and more convenient to use. NFC-enabled devices will simplify the process of becoming aware of, purchasing, storing, playing and sharing rich media content, for example. Convenience is a strong differentiator, and consumers will tend to adopt the most convenient way to access and pay for goods and services. In areas such as ticketing particularly, NFC will help reduce the cost of issuing tickets and of maintaining the ticketing infrastructure – as has already been proved in mass transport and airline ticketing. Furthermore, NFC is based on existing contactless infrastructure that is already in daily use by millions of people around the world. At a more strategic level, NFC enables product and service providers to establish a new communication channel with their customers. When consumers elect to ask for further information or participate in a promotion by touching an NFC tag, they could be asked if they would like to participate in other information or promotional programmes.

2.3 How NFC works
NFC is a short-range, standards-based wireless connectivity technology, based on RFID technology that uses magnetic field induction to enable communication between electronic devices in close proximity. It provides a seamless medium for the identification protocols that