The Use Of Smartphones

Submitted By jjerby
Words: 958
Pages: 4

Joshua Erby
Business Communications
Proposal #3
The usage of smartphones and other hand-held devices has come a long way over the years as it evolved over the years. Today in the world people use these tools to help stay in touch with other in various ways. With this dropsical have researched evidence of smartphones in everyday life. These new smart devices have given us the key to life in the future for the businesses community. One of the first companies to make these smartphones was Apple. Just like the smartphone companies, I think these devices are so beneficial just as they thought. Reporters have dated that smartphones have been in the customers market since 1993. But since then we all have notice how far these devices have come since their beginning. Simone was the name of the first official smartphone that was on the market from IBM. The Blackberry is considered as the most closest to it. The era of the smartphone can have been divided into three phases. Phase one targeting enterprises and phase two would be the creation of the iPhone from Apple. Phase three would be closest between enterprise-centric and the general customer centric. As we all know smartphones has a history of great accomplishments and a future that hold many more. With them always finding new ways to improve the devices. The benefits that these smart devices provides for business will only get better. Smartphones is an excellent reason success in the future within any society. Smartphones are the key to success within the business community for any owner or employee. Smartphones give the business owner the perfect way to keep up with their finances and events within their company. These devices have made the life of any owner easier. Being able to work on the move and not always having to go to the office. In reality without the benefits of theses devices some companies today will fall quickly. I mean let us be honest keeping up with a business can be difficult. But with the help of the machines gives you that fighting chance. But that only one of the essential features of the smartphone. It is maintaining your schedule and keeping you up to date about the upcoming events and to manage your daily tasks more efficiently. Another benefit is being able to have everything right there at your fingertips. Being able to access and edit important documents on the move whenever you want. Mobile payments is another that allows easy access you bank account, being able to make a single click on payments you have, and with all the different Apps available for making online payments. Theses devices also allow for you to to keep updated on your company through social media. By giving you the access to the news of the business community. To me the best benefits of the smartphones to the business community the way it makes presentations easier. For the business owner, this is great because you can connect your phone to a TV or a computer monitor to show different things. In the future, smartphones will become the world's most powerful sensor network. New devices today throws off data for real-time transport services. These phones allow for service location tracking, the movement of a user, and a personalized transport experience. For these devices being able to deliver the power of real-time sentiment, data is fantastic. Applications such as Facebook creates real-time sensors of passenger satisfaction. Using big and open data is a way to improve and create new services. This new location and sentiment data provides public providers ways of moving to