New Memories Essay

Submitted By davepoe
Words: 405
Pages: 2

Memory The study of memory and the processes that are used to acquire, store, retain, and retain memory has been the study cognitive psychology. There are three processes when it comes to the ability to form new memories:
• Encoding
The process that involves changing information into a usable form.
• Storage
Once encoded, and outside of our normal awareness, the information must then be stored for use at a later time.
• Retrieval
The ability that allows stored memories to be brought back into a conscious awareness is known as the retrieval process.
Stage Models of Memory Often used to explain the function of memory and its basic structure, the “Stage Model” has been used to theorize the three separate stages of memory as being:
• Sensory
Sensory memory, being the earliest of memories stages, is stored for brief moments. Usually 3-4 seconds for auditory and a half a second for visual information.
• Short Term
Also known as active memory, this information is what we are currently aware of. The process of paying attention to sensory memories, which is approximately 20-30 seconds, generates short term memory. • Long Term
These memories are often referred to as being our continuous storage of information that can be used when needed. Some of these memories are easily accessible while others can be much more difficult to retrieve.
Repressed Memories
There has been much research and debate on whether all our memories are stored away somewhere in our brains, much like a file would be stored on a computer, and whether those memories can be retrieved at a much later date through psychotherapy. This often is the case when it comes