Questions On Memory

Submitted By srosero15
Words: 613
Pages: 3


Hermann ebbinghaus-nonsense syllabus.
Ability when testing- recalling and performing well on a test.
Conritubter on memory

Information processing model. –similar to a computer.
When processing this you need encode, save, retrieve it into the computer.
Researchers think he human brain is like a computer .

Using our 5 senses, were selective to what we pay attention too.
This also helps us to survive.
Most research has been done with hearing and vision.
Sensory register- selective attention= paying attention to something
Then it lowers down to short term memory- STM- working memory
Then it processes to Long Term Memory- then goes back to STM- which helps us maintain selective attention.
Vision- icon- last less than a quarter of a sec 1/4
Audition-echo- lasts a couple of secs 2sec

Why is it important to last a quarter of a sec bc if it last longer than …
Echo- ability to communicate- comprehend conversations

2 major theories
Donald Broadbent- on/off light switch- basically focus on what the person says and filter all the other noises from outside during a conversation
Doesn’t agree with Broadbent, Ann Triesmann- believes we pay attention to what we want (volume control)- attention is like a volume control. Sometimes we pay attention. Based on the situation- selectively turning off the volume.

Chunking- occurs when we take info and we consolidate that info into meaningful parts. Ex: Roy G. Biv= Colors of the rainbows- Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. *
Long term memory- everything that we recall and that’s permanent. Try to maintain info in LTM. There’s 3 ways= 1. Rote Rehearsal- ex: Multiples table 2. Elaborative rehearsal- involves when you apply info that u already know to new info that your learning. Helps learn faster. Ex: our class papers, dancing, 3. Schema/ Schemata- how something may be. How something may occur. Ex: professor’s chair. * * Researchers have identified 4 major commoner’s or types of memories related to LTM 1. Episodic- relate to memories that relate to personal experiences 2. Semantic- involves info that we’ve learned. Info that we would get from dictionary, etc. 3. Procedural- deals with muscles memory. Involves coordination, movement’s. Ex: when u learn how to ride a bike. You were afraid of falling and with practice you get better and officially learn. 4. Emotional- are less defined. Not easily to describe, but they are emotions that we feel. Ex: everyone has a different def of LOVE.