Religion is everywhere, it is in our homes, it is in our schools, and it is in our community. Living in the South, it is hard to meet someone who is “unaffiliated” with any religious group, but they are everywhere. “One in four young adults choose 'unaffiliated' when asked about their religion...” You would think growing up in the home of an ordained minister I would be extremely religious, but I am actually quite the opposite, I am one of the “unaffiliated.” My father, a deacon, raised me to believe in whatever I want to believe. Being a leader in the church, he was exposed to many hypocrites. Hypocritical meaning the people that get blacked out drunk on Saturday night and come to church on Sunday morning asking for forgiveness, and then doing it over again the next weekend. The people that praise the God who does not judge, although they judge anyone who is different. I think being judgmental is wrong, we all do it, we’re human, but no one should claim to “love everyone.” For example, my grandmother is extremely religious. She was raised in the 1930’s and believes that we should not judge one another and help people reach God anyway we can, and then she will turn around and say that a gay man will go to hell and the way he lives his life is a sin. Although the bible says this is true, it is not her place to judge him, he wouldn’t tell her that what she believes in is wrong just because he doesn’t believe in it. I believe the generation my grandmother was raised in molded her beliefs. Growing up in the 30’s, living in the deep south, this writer believes God was everyone’s main priority. I have lived many different places and met people as exotic as the places I have been. I lived on an island, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, for a large portion of my life. The island was not a large one, so everyone knew each other. Each individual that lived there came from all different walks of life. I met people who praised Muhammad instead of God, people that believed in action and reaction instead of “divine intervention,” I've even met Jewish people that said they were waiting to build a third temple one day. To me, those things seemed crazy, at first. After hearing more about their way of believing, it started to make more sense to me. I think freely, I see both sides of every argument, and I learn something new everyday. Having to socialize with people that believe differently than you is a difficult thing to do, it's tough to say something without insulting another persons beliefs. More likely than not, your parents share the same religious beliefs you do, unfortunately, mine don't. My father was a
ELIZABETH NORDSTROM MY PHILOSOPHY January 20, 2015 PROFESSOR KENNETH CRAIG I have always been very understanding of peoples beliefs. I understand that the world is made up of many opposing ideas and that no one person is fully correct. There are so many different groups and parties in today’s world that it is hard to know for sure which one to side with, but I believe that every single person is entitled to their own opinion and belief, and I also feel as though that has a lot to do with the way…
paper is my personal educational philosophy statement. It represents my ideas and values about teaching and learning; it reveals my personal teaching beliefs and their relation to the five major established educational philosophies; it shows my role and responsibilities in educational process. I place great significance on personal style of instruction and its influence on curriculum implementation. The paper also highlights my career aspiration and orientation. Personal Educational…
My Philosophy. For me, arriving at my philosophy has been a really hard and soul searching task. The Collins English dictionary describes the word philosophy as any “system of beliefs, values or tenets” (Davidson, 2009, p123) but, what do I really think is important? What values do I want to support, instil and nurture (Stonehouse, 1991) in the children that I teach? I have spent the past couple of days searching through my textbooks for anything remotely related to the word philosophy, scanning…
EPIR Reflection Paper Education Philosophy Inventory is designed to assess what someone’s personal teaching philosophy is. The survey includes six perspectives: Essentialism, Behaviorism, Progressivism, Existenialism, Perennialism, and Reconstructivism. These perspectives are types of teaching philosophies that exist today and are used in classrooms everywhere. Although one may score higher in a perspective, it does not mean that it is the only philosophy used by that individual. I know this…
Personal Philosophy of Leadership Being a leader is more than simply holding a leadership position or having the ability to lead. Everyone is capable of being a leader, but not everyone exercises his or her leadership abilities. Each person’s idea of leadership is different. My idea of leadership has developed over time, and being a member of the President’s Leadership Class has helped me develop my philosophy of leadership further than what it was two months ago. My personal philosophy of leadership…
dictionary defines philosophy as the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc. Although philosophy has a relative simple definition it is anything but simple. Since beginning of time there has been philosophy and every person whether they know what philosophy is or not have their own personal philosophy. Our personal philosophy affects our decisions and actions every day and is an important part of who we are. We form part of our own personal philosophy by our experiences…
Personal Philosophy of Education Amanda R. Poole-Loggains EDU 301 Professor Nicole Benak March 30, 2015 There are many different educational philosophies, but there are five that are different from the others. Those five educational philosophies are perennialism, idealism, realism, experimentalism, and existentialism. Each of the outlines a particular belief about education. The educators that believe in these philosophies would make different schools in which students could learn. Perennialism…
Moral philosophy is part of the field of ethics where philosophers discuss and argue their opinions and views on regards of defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. Morality could be interpreted in many different ways because at the same time is a set of standards or principles derived from a personal code of conduct based on religion, philosophy or it can derive from a standard that a person believes should be universal. Since we live in a society where we all have to live…
Education Theories Introduction In essence, I am a special education instructor, and most of my students have low function autism. Therefore, I may face various challenges in my instructional setting. Notably, I teach in an elementary school. Thus, the instructional environment is suitable for elementary students with low functioning autism. The instructional settings at this school include general education which is incorporated into designated instruction and services as well as a support system…
Untitled My favorite academic subjects are ones to which I have had no exposure in high school. The passion I feel for both international politics and philosophy must be fulfilled extracurricularly, usually through personal reading. I have amassed a respectable library for both subjects and spend many hours studying them. I enjoy each for the same reason. Each discipline is based on conflict; international politics is a conflict of polities, economies, and societies, while philosophy is a conflict…