My Own Essay

Words: 9284
Pages: 38

Study of -Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) in Nanavati Hospital

A Report submitted to Prof. J.M. Shah for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Information Systems for Management under NMIMS University

Group 4:
Shamsy Goyal 211
Anvesha Poswalia 228
Abhishek Singhal 237
Amar Bhartia 255
ShashanYagnick 259
Anand Madhusudan 260

Table of Contents

Nanavati Hospital - The Organization and its business activities 4
Medical Equipment Maintenance – One of the hospital’s functions 6
Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) - The FIS 9
Work order creation and viewing 9
Preventive and Breakdown maintenance scheduling 9
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They include:
• Third party maintenance companies
• Equipment manufacturers,
• Clinicians,
• In- house engineers and
• Equipment suppliers.

Information and data is scattered across different departments like:
 Vendor name
 Service contract
 Equipment
 Manuals
 PM procedures
 Service contract
 Repair records
 Consumables
 Equipment
 In-house repair history
 Spare parts
 Purchase date
 Vendor name
 Price
 Hospital asset number
 Warranty information
Therefore, a system is required that basically helps to track and monitor asset maintenance in a hospital, to improve quality, reduce defects, optimise production and avoid costly downtime. For that, we have chosen a Computerized Maintenance Management System as the appropriate Functional Information System.

The concept of maintenance, as practiced in several advanced environments covers preventive maintenance, breakdown maintenance and monitoring of system efficiency. In addition, hospital planners have to formulate systems whereby minimum effort would be required in maintenance/ repairs in terms of tools, manpower and time. Amongst other things, this requires standardisation, safety, location, standby units, etc. Standardisation improves maintainability and reliability of the equipment besides reducing cost of spares inventory. The expertise required from both