Essay on Motor Learning

Submitted By lachi25
Words: 696
Pages: 3

Motor learning – change resulting from practice in the capability for responding. Skilled performers – kinaesthetic anticipation of what might happen next, timing of responses, limb coordination. Cognitive phase – learning how to do a skill, identify sub-routines in their correct sequence, needs to practice a lot to develop the skill. Associative phase - the performer understands the basics of the skill and is in the process of refining the skill, they experience fewer errors and can detect some of them on their own. Autonomous phase – elite sportsmen and women are usually at this stage, performers can attend higher-order cognitive activities, can take individuals a long time to reach this stage. Linear curve – performance improves with practice. Negatively accelerated curve – successful early but tapered off. Positively accelerated curve – small gains early improvement in later stages. The ‘s’ shape curve – rapid learning with gradual process. Learning plateau – observable levelling off of the learning curve. Kinaesthetic sense – feel/ movement, muscle memory. Anticipation – predicting what will happen next. Timing of responses – faster and more efficient. Limb coordination – use of hands and fingers; legs and feet. Response to cues – team mates yell at you to get/leave the ball. Rates of learners – some people take a while to learn some skills and some people can learn it really quick. Closed skill – performed in a predictable environment, allows players to plan their movement in advance, player is in control of the skill. Open skill – performed in and unpredictable environment, externally paced, performed in a constantly changing environment. Discrete skill – distinct beginning and end. Serial skills – series and definite beginning and end, combination of discrete skills. Continuous skills – no beginning and end, repetitive. Fine skills – movement of small muscle groups with high precision. Gross skills – opposite to fine skills, large muscle groups, action is less precise. Self-paced - under control of the performer, taking their time. Externally paced – dictated by surrounding environment. Feedback – info you receive about the performance of the skill either during the performance or after the skill has been completed, specific to sub-routines. Practise – mass and distributed practice, whole or part practice, mental and physical practice. Physical – massed-continuous without breaks or rests intervals, distributed-rest intervals, allows to recover, best for beginners, fixed, variable (MDF V). Motor skill – where the physical aspect of a skill is heavily emphasised, practical ability to achieve a predetermined result. Feedback – feedback given to a learner changes between the cognitive and autonomous phase will definitely change because in the cognitive phase the learner will make quite a lot of mistakes and not so much when in the autonomous phase. The feedback will help the learner progress if the learner has specific