Essay on Fine Motor Kit Write Up

Submitted By mmeehan306
Words: 691
Pages: 3

Description: Practice pre-handwriting skill on the bag. Finger-trace letters (using your fingertips) on to bag. The use of multi-sensory materials to keeps practicing pre-writing skills interesting. 
• Age Range: 4-6 (pg. 556)
Type of Play: Constructive play is used in this activity because the activity has identifiable outcome, which is forming a letter. (pg. 541)
Goals: 1. Pre-handwriting skills 2. Use assisting hand to stabilize the bag (pg. 288)
• Downgrade: place a print of letter underneath the bag so that it can be easily traced. Use hand-over-hand assistance and/or verbal cues.
• Upgrade: Have student finger-trace a whole word, try cursive (2nd or 3rd graders- pg. 564), or use pen (with top on) to simulate actual writing movement.

Activity 2-BEADS
Description: Separate different beads (based on shape or color).
Age Range: 3-6 (pg. 557)
Type of Play: Constructive play is used in this activity because the activity has identifiable outcome (pg. 541) Sensorimotor play is used because it is used when children learn new skills. They are learning the effect of their actions upon objects (pg. 540).
Goals: 1. Isolated finger movements 2. Improving fine motor control 4. Use of assisting hand to stabilize bag 3. Shape and texture discrimination (not fine motor skill).
• Downgrade: Just separate beads not based on shape or color. Use verbal cues and/or hand-over-hand assistance
• Upgrade: Time the activity (“lets see how fast you can separate the different beads”). Have child describe color or shape of bead.

Activity 3- MAZE
• Description: place simple maze under the bag. Have child trace his/ her way through the maze.
Age Range: 4-6 (pg. 557)
Type of Play: This type of play would be classified as games with rules. Teaches child to follow direction and rules. Also it could be constructive play because it has identifiable outcome (pg. 541) Lastly, it could be sensorimotor play is used because it is used when children learn new skills. They are learning the effect of their actions upon objects (pg. 540). Therefore, they are learning what happens to the bag when it is touched.
Goals: 1. Promotes handwriting readiness by working on graphic skills, isolated finger movements, promoting prewriting skills, enhancing right-left discrimination by completing the maze (pg. 558). 2. Use assisting hand to stabilize the bag.
Downgrade: hand-over-hand assistance and/or verbal cues.
Upgrade: Use a pen (with top on) to simulate actual writing movement. You could time the child to see how fast the maze can be completed.

Models of Practice:
Sensorimotor approach provides multi-sensory input through selected activities to enhance the integration of sensory systems at the subcortical level. When meaningful sensory input is provided at a level that permits assimilation, the child’s nervous