There is a saying that states, “ Numbers don't lie” lets examine. Every American at any given time can search through their homes and pick out 20 products. How many of the products would have “made in America”? A better question may be how many would be, “made in China”, or “made in India”. The reality is there is a high probability that the latter 2 would account for 13 or more products. The direct result of recently more than average thriving economies in China and India is intertwined with the outsourcing trend that is happening in the U.S. Social Security, unemployment , and other parts of the nation economy will be negatively affected by outsourcing. Are U.S grown companies accelerating other nations economy by outsourcing? This country need to be aware of those who unfortunately already lost their jobs due to outsourcing.
An under-stimulated American economy and U.S job loss are precisely the related to outsourcing. A big concern that arose when conducting research is that I truly doubt that citizens realize how many jobs are being lost. Again with the numbers. Estimations from Forrester Research estimates that 3.3 million white collar jobs will be outsourced by the year 2015(Drezner, 2004). It was found that the U.S Bureau of Labor underestimated the number of jobs lost to U.S outsourcing by a Study conducted by Cornell University. In 2004, the Bureau reported 4,633 jobs lost between January and March of 2004. A later study shows that 46,414 jobs lost, 8232 were to China, 80 % of the remaining to India, finally the rest were distributed (Myers, 2004).
Meanwhile the economies of main countries we are outsourcing to are experiencing inversely proportional effects. China and India are upon unprecedented growth and structural change. According to the Associated Press(2007), China saw its largest economic growth of 11.2 percent in the fourth quarter of 2007. Within China's grasp is Germany for the world's third largest economy. In addition to their growth in wages something that never happened in China is current, the middle-class. An article from ChinaDaily Online (2008) tells of a study done by Mackinsey & Company a famous American global consulting firm. Currently, 77% of Chinese families make income less than 25,000 yuan a year. Only 10% of Chinese families are expected to make 25,000 yuan or less by 2015. Majority of middle class families work in factories, which the U.S own. This clearly illustrates how we're force-feeding other economies while we struggle.
India is exactly doing bad at the moment either. An article from Glocal-cio, shows that India actually increased by 16.3% in the number of IT products they export mainly in the form of outsource to the U.S and other Western countries in 2011 (McDougall,20011) to reach 69 billion in total. The countries IT and business process outsourcing sector,including exports and domestic sales, topped 100 billion in total revenue for the first time. With the government underestimating and others doing so well one has to only guess what the future has in store for America.
The above paints a clear picture of harsh effect of outsourcing in the U.S to foreign countries. With all this data readily available and guessing all U.S business owners respect and honor their land, why is this trend still active and rapidly growing? According to, India has the largest technical and professional talent pool in the world. The country has a population of over 1.2 billion people and around 3.1 million added to the workforce every year. The number one reason why most outsource to India is because of its flexible pricing options or it's cheap. Most of the savings is due to the gap between personnel cost in India opposed to other developed nations. It really is pitiful that we would even consider doing such a thing as outsourcing in such economical hardships as we are experiencing. An intriguing unforeseen indirect opportunity arises from outsources.
In the SWOT analysis for Bank of America one I performed a SWOT analysis for the Bank of America. I assumed the role of a mutual fund manager work for First Investment Inc Investment Inc. With the information I gathered in part one of my paper I made the decision to invest in Bank of America. In part two of these papers I will further explain why I chose to invest in Bank of America. This paper will address the financial health of Bank of America by reviewing the banks income statement, balance…
after the constitution was made, Americans and foreigners both saw America was exceptional. It was a new nation made and established like any other. In Charles Murray’s book, American exceptionalism, he explains what has made America different than other nations and since and also what has changed since its beginning. In Charles Murray’s book, he is talking about just how America was made and seen as exceptional. He grouped his ideas into four main categories: America as a geographic setting, American…
he called for independence. People got influenced and inspired by this pamphlet throughout the thirteen colonies to declare a fight for independence from The Great Britain.Paine gave brief examples and explanation on why America would be better if the British does not rule America, throughout his pamphlet “Common Sense”. “Common Sense” the motivational pamphlet persisted on the idea of natural right, Thomas Paine first attacked King George III by articulating, that all men are created equally, therefore…
year. A lot of his speech was directed towards common issues that were going on in America such as raising the minimum wage and education. Obama’s speech was meant to encourage that everyday American and put hope back into his nation. He recognized that his country isn’t perfect but he is going to do everything possible to fix it. His speech was basically centered on certainty, determination, and confidence to get America back striving for success. Taking the future into account, government’s main goal…
Americans were intolerant in the 1920s, how far do you agree with this statement? On the one hand, there are a number of factors that suggest America was an intolerant society in the 1920s. Firstly, many Americans were intolerant to new immigrants. For example in 1920 two Italian immigrants Sacco and Vanzetti were arrested for the robbery of $15,000 and the murder of two shop assistants in a shoe factory in Massachusetts. Sacco and Vanzetti went on trial in may 1921, they were found guilty and sentenced…
progress can be made in society. The actions of Martin Luther King and Thomas Jefferson show that taking responsibility in solving problems that affect a nation leads to the formation of a better society. Martin Luther King’s advocacy for civil rights eventually allowed African - Americans to thrive in America. Also, Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence allowed America to become its own country with much liberty. Martin Luther King’s willingness to help out his nation caused America to accept…
Why buy an American made vehicles you ask? I’ll tell you why because buying American made vehicles creates American made jobs. Everyone knows that American made vehicle’s make a distinctive sound. Take for instance the Ford mustang and the Chevy corvette. Who doesn’t like the sound of these vehicles or design? A few things I will discuss about American made manufactures will be the quality they put forth in designing these vehicles, the job security it helps with in America and how American manufactures…
and medics, America has established schools, orphanages, and hospitals. They have translated literature, educated children, and inspired political reform in countries around the world that were oppressed and impoverished. The civic engagement of the individual American citizens and their commitment to America’s founding principles are a part of the United States’ unique role in the world. The United States has also had to practice diplomacy towards other governments. America has a unique understanding…
Power is from people, government is built to protect people's right and accomplish public will instead of abuse it's power. 2. 3. To the people in colonial America who decided to against the British. 4. Battle against British army at Lexington, and this event finally broke the last string that kept the peace between British and America, and the victory also encouraged the rest of colonies to do the rebellion. 5. In Paine's opinion, the government is produced by our wreck ness and is also…
History Paper Who discovered America? By: Deanne Mastrocola Why is it that American culture today attributes its geographic discovery to a man named Christopher Columbus? Could it be that he was the first European to claim this land as part of an Imperialistic expansion or is it merely out of convenience for the history books? It is known that the American continent was populated by 1000 AD which is long before settlements by Viking fisherman and even longer before the arrival of Columbus…