Importance Of Sustainable Development

Words: 1438
Pages: 6

The purpose of this essay is to critically analyse three distinct policies towards sustainable development in developed and developing countries and provide clarity on why they are so important for the implementation of sustainable development. These programmes include: The Sustainable Development Goals, The New Urban Agenda and The Paris Agreement. The aim of this essay is to critically reflect on why the relationships between these three policies are imperative for promoting inner city development on a global scale. Furthermore this essay will provide enlightenment on what these policies imply for the future of humanity and the environment.


This section looks at the three

This program brings together 189 countries to assess the future, and how the problems which occur in their countries have an overarching impact on the world. The programme is said to be in affect from the year 2015 to 2030 and is made up of 17 different development goals.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the lead organisation which the SDG’s fall under. The Sustainable Development Goals are part of a programme which has been developed from the Millennium Development Goals; this programme was to run from the year 2000 to 2015, like the SDG’s this programme set out to address local and global issues pertaining to sustainable development, countries worldwide have recognised that this programme was an important step in achieving these goals, thus the Sustainable Development Goals were created as the next step for achieving this.
The MDG’s were able to reach the milestones necessary to induce global impact and awareness on the importance of such programs: “ Hunger has been cut in half, extreme poverty is down by half, more kids are going to school and fewer are dying.”(UNDP. 2000. Page

This programme unlike the SDG’s was developed under pressure as a result of the failure of the Copenhagen Conference in 2009.
The Paris Agreement was drafted in December 2015 and as of December 2017 it has been signed by 196 countries. The Paris agreement will replace the Kyoto Protocol, as a treaty of international law; it forms the framework for actions towards the mitigation of climate change beyond the year 2020. The primary issue of concern from which the Paris Agreement is based is that of global climate change, thus one of the main goals of this agreement is to reach a global warming goal of well below 2 degrees Celsius on the pre-industrial averages of temperature. Similar to the SDG’s the Paris Agreement sets ambitious climate targets but is unique in that is a legally binding contract. (PA,