Importance Of Ict In Education

Words: 10141
Pages: 41

The past two decades have witnessed an evolution in different aspects of education due to rapid advancements in Information Communication and Technologies (ICTs). This evolution is evident in distance learning which has witnessed a shift in methods of communication from traditional mailing services to real time students-students and students-teacher interaction. Furthermore, the application of emerging aspects of ICTs have made it possible to combine face-face methods of instructions and electronic learning (e-learning), hence taking advantage of the flexibility of online learning while at the same time keeping the benefits of traditional classroom experiences. Despite the enormous benefits of using ICTs to enhance combined learning, more remains to be done in the area

Consequently, it has become a fundamental and integral part of education especially in western societies. The chapter has also revealed advantages that come along as a result of the introduction of ICT in learning. This is achieved by designing curriculum which emphasizes content that promotes competency and performance (Oliver 2002). ICT allows diverse communities of learning to be linked in a special way (Taylor, 2000). BL enables learners who are part of society’s work force to still be able to study. Furthermore, it promotes professional updating and lifelong learning (Mason, 2006). Despite these advantages the digital divide exists and has hindered many learners from making use of ICT in their learning. Through Information communication and technologies, online learning also referred to as e-learning has emerged. The weaknesses of both traditional “face-to-face” and online methods of learning have been circumvented by BL. Blended learning instruction is built upon the strengths of the traditional instructional method and online