Muscle functions: 1. Movement of bones or fluids (blood) 2. Maintaining postures and body position 3. Stabilizing joints 4. Support soft tissues 5. Guards entrances and exits 6. Heat generation (skeletal muscle)
Muscle Characteristics 1. Excitability (responsiveness or irritability) ability to receive and respond to stimuli 2. Contractility ability to shorten when stimulated 3. Extensibility ability to be stretched 4. Elasticity ability to recoil to resting length
Skeletal= striated and voluntary
Smooth= not striated and involuntary
Cardiac= striated and involuntary
Muscle Tissue * Distinguished from other tissues by its ability to contract and perform work * Structural unit= muscle cell aka muscle fiber
Skeletal muscle * Each muscle is served by one artery one nerve and one or more veins * Connective tissue wrappings of skeletal muscle : * Epimysium- dense regular connective tissue surrounding entire muscle * Perimysium- fibrous connective tissue surrounding fascicles * Endomysium- fine areolar connective tissue surrounding each muscle fiber
Muscle fibers microanatomy:
Sarcolemma=muscle fiber membrane
Sarcoplasm= inner material cytoplasm of muscle cells
Myofilament= filaments that make up myofibrils (actin and myosin) surrounding fibers
Myofibrils= contractile organelles found in the
Myofibril * Contains myofilaments- Actin (thin& light – I band) & Myosin (Thick & Dark A-band) * Z line- mid line interruption in the light I band * H Zone- midline interruption in the A band
Sarcomere * Smallest unit of a muscle fiber * Composed of thick and thin myofilaments (actin & myosin) made of contractile proteins
Types of Muscle Movement 1. Prime Mover- muscle that has the major responsibility for causing a particular movement 2. Antagonistic- one muscle contracts to flex and extremity, another muscle contracts to extend 3. Synergists- help prime movers by producing the same movement or by reducing movements 4. Fixators- specialized synergists. Hold bones still or stabilize the origin of a prime mover
Types of Muscle Contractions: * Isotonic- “same tone” successful in sliding movements the muscle shortens and movement occurs * Isometric- the tension in the muscle increases but sliding does not occur.
Sliding Filament Theory: * During Muscle Contraction * Myosin heads pull the thin filaments towards the center * As the thin filaments slide over the thick filaments the I bands and H zones becomes narrower until they disappear when the muscle is contracted * During Muscle Relaxation * When myosin heads on the thick filaments
Patricia There are seven organizational approaches to studying the human body. Each are important to understand the complex systems and workings of the human body. The seven organizational approaches are body planes and directions, body cavities, quadrants and regions, anatomy and physiology, microscopic-to-macroscopic, body systems, and medical specialty. Besides the importance of just understand the human body each can be used when applying knowledge to practical use in the health care…
has found that drinking 8 ounces of grape juice a day improves your memory. Rosemary also helps on word recall test by stimulating the brain. Exercises such as jogging, dancing or any physical activities that raise your heart rate is beneficial to improve your memory by sending oxygen to the brain and building new cells in the brain region linked to the memory. Also taking a nap during the day will help you retain more information in your memory. Relieving stress by doing yoga or meditation is…
Research Writing Research Process Organization Citing References Writing Process View All Research Writing Articles The Anatomy of a Research Paper A research paper encompasses many things. It may be a paper due at the end of a term or class. It may be the result of weeks, months or years of research. During the course of completing this type of academic writing assignment, you examine an issue to write an analytical or argumentative paper that is a summary of research and your conclusions…
Anatomical Terms of Location Adapted from: Standard anatomical terms of location are employed in sciences which deal with the anatomy of animals to avoid ambiguities which might otherwise arise. They are not language-specific, and thus require no translation. They are universal terms that may be readily understood by zoologists who speak any language. Unfortunately, while these terms are standardized within specific…
___________________________________________________________________________ 1. The word "anatomy" comes from: A. Latin and means "to be born". B. Hebrew and means "shape". C. Greek and means "to cut apart". D. German and means "body". E. Italian and means "form". 2. Anatomy is the study of: A. stars. B. function. C. sharp tools. D. structure and form. E. word histories. 3. Since the body has been the same for thousands of years, anatomy is considered a static classification system instead…
MAMMALIAN ANATOMY: BIO. 2233; FALL 2013 • Monday, August 26, Classes Begin • Monday, September 2, LABOR DAY HOLIDAY • Monday, September 9, Last Day to Drop a Course • Tuesday, October 22, Last Day to withdraw a Course • Wednesday, Oct. 23; Registration begins(Spring- 2014) • Thursday to Sunday, Nov. 28 to 30: THANKS GIVING BREAK • Wednesday, Dec. 4: Weekday classes end • Thursday & Friday, Dec. 5 & 6: Study days • MONDAY DECEMBER 9 TO 14 FINAL EXAMS SOME POINEERS OF THE CONTEMPORARY ANATOMY ARISTOTLE:…
Case Assignment Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin Anatomy and Physiology 250_I Dr. Terry Else Trident University International January 20, 2015 Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin The terms anatomy and physiology refer to the structure and function of cells respectively. Whether you are looking at the human body, a plant, or a part of one of those organisms, how it is built is the anatomy and how it works is the physiology. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the normal anatomy and physiology…
Chapter 1 - The Human Body: Notes Mrs. Peck I. AN OVERVIEW OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (p. 2) A. Anatomy (p. 2) Anatomy- the study of the structure and shape of the body & body parts & their relationships to one another 1. Gross Anatomy- study of large observable structures 2. Microscopic Anatomy- study of cells & tissues of body (as seen thru microscope) Dissection- aimed at helping us understand the f’ns of ea of the various levels of organization, but body works as a whole & is more complex…
Seven Organizational Approaches Paper Dawn Ott HCA/220 September 8, 2013 Yelena Krayter Seven Organizational Approaches Paper The seven organizational approaches to studying the human body include the following; body plans and directions, body cavities, quadrants and regions, anatomy and physiology, microscopic-to- macroscopic, body systems, and medical specialty. There are also body planes and body directions, this is the division of the body into sections from front to back, right and left…
(7th and 8th ed.) 1 LECTURE OUTLINE - UNIT 1 The Human Body: An Orientation [*The following lecture outline follows your textbook very closely; read the outline and the associated sections in Chapter 1 of your textbook (at the same time); be sure to view the figures and tables in the book (shown in this outline in parentheses); there is a lot of material in the textbook that we do not have time to cover in this course, or will cover later on; please read this extra content, but keep in…