Mark it down CO LTD assignment
In general, HRM is a strategic and systematic approach to managing people in a way that would maximise their motivation and contribution towards meeting the organisation’s objectives. A HRM Plan is a departmental document which aims to predict what programmes are required in the next few years to practise HRM within the organisation. The aim of a
HRM Plan is to help the department to achieve its mission and objectives through a systematic design and implementation of HRM programmes. Apparently the Mark It Down superstore has achieved all the aforementioned objectives that have set in the past mainly due to the fact that was profitable when at the same time have been competing other superstore giants such as TESCO and ASDA, successfully. They say in football that when a team wins never changes and that is the case and probably the main problem in our superstore.
Whether the HRM Plan can achieve its desired purpose depends on:
Top management commitment to the philosophy that people are the key to the success in achieving the objectives of the organization.
Strategic linkage of the department's HRM programmes to its mission and objectives.
The HRM Plan is built upon an understanding of the department's vision, mission, values, and strategic programmes and challenges. Developing the HRM Plan this way links the HRM programmes to business plans and helps prioritize HRM programmes according to business priorities. Figure 1 demonstrates a generic plan for MARK IT DOWN superstore. The effectiveness of every strategy and each employee seems to depend on staff abilities to implement certain tasks and that is something not a very strong element in our case.
In order to create a HRP a vital step is to conduct the superstore strategic analysis. The first step in developing the Plan is to obtain a clear understanding of the superstore’s objectives, programmes and key challenges. The objectives are: to successfully develop the biggest store in Hinckley so as to be able to accommodate for clothes, books and a customer service desk.
To modernise all 10 branches across the midlands
To increase sales by 10%
To increase profits by 15%
To establish a recruitment process that hires people according to their skills
Staff to respect each other and follow certain procedures according to health and safety.
Human Resource Management Task 1
To regularly train staff to meet high standards of customer service as well as various duties within the company.
On the same step we need to identify strategic challenges such as internal organisation issues which are a big problem in our case and responding to changing public expectations due to the lack of customer service and the old fashion style of staff treatment. The strategic analysis can be achieved by reviewing key departmental documents such as sales and profitability as well as vision, mission and values, which would be useful to have them worked out. Often, interviews from senior employees and superstore stakeholders to obtain their views on the superstore’s direction, critical success factors and challenges can guide to identify the cause of the problems.
Once a clear understanding of the superstore’s objectives, direction and key challenges are established, the next step in formulating the HRM Plan is to identify the strategic HR issues.
These are the key HR issues that will affect the department's ability to achieve its strategic objectives. The HRM Plan will need to address how to manage these issues.
In that superstore there are main problems and their side effects. For instance, when no clear recruitment process exists the staff can be not suitable for the job and often creating more problems than solving them. In that case, help from recruitment agencies may give the company a better idea of how to recruit people. Although that process often is not straightforward and even recruitment agencies
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