Satirical Essay
There have been recent studies showing that the death of students, due to their homework load, has been increasing over the years. This all started when the story of Amy Long’s death became notorious throughout the entire country. The poor girl was so stressed for her AP calculus test that she collapsed and never got to take the test she critically needed to pass. Her mother found her with a pencil in her cold, still hand and an unfinished derivative problem. Many other cases have turned up all over the world, validating that homework is executing the population of today’s youth. Madeline Zwicker, a hardworking sophomore, pushed herself so hard that she was crushed to death by the amount of homework she acquired. She was trying to grab her world history textbook when her astonishingly tall pile of homework fell right on top her. Unfortunately, she did not have the strength to dig her way out and eventually suffocated. One of the most common causes for students’ deaths is due to paper cuts. The razor sharp papers have led to deep gashes causing teens to bleed out. The homework outbreak is a serious topic that needs to be addressed before more youths lose their lives in such a disastrous way. For now, homework should be temporarily outlawed in the United States while the government decides on how much homework should be given, if given at all. Regrettably, it will take a very long process in order to resolve the situation, but there is one thing that we
to compete for our time, we found plenty of hours for personal interests. We all read more that week than we had read during the six months before. I personally started a habit to go the library to check out book to read for some hours for I could kill sometime every day. Next, I read newspaper everyday not just reading some sports articles, but actually enjoying editorials and opinion articles. We each also enjoyed some hobbies we had ignored for ages. My father’s old activity for worker returned…
21st January 2014 Homework: Aunt Agony letter To Aunt Agony, I am Prospero and I have a lot of problems to discuss with you. One my main problems is that I have a monster trying to kill me and take my island. But that only the beginning, so here I go. I have a daughter called Miranda and she has never seen a human man until now. I think she has now fallen in love with a man that I made to come here (That’s another story). I don’t what to do because I can tell that this…
hard time understanding a story in most books I read, but now I’ve progressed and accomplished a better reading and writing skills since September. I’ve mostly progressed in my reading and my critical thinking skills. When I started reading, “To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee” I thought I was never going to get the story and probably fall behind but as we got through the story with the glass, I started getting a much better understanding of the story. As the year went by I developed my reading…
this controversial topic because it relates to me this year. I have felt like I am receiving too much homework. I have hardly any free time and I am suffering from it. I hardly have anytime to hang out with friends after school. I have to stay up late to complete all of the homework, causing me to lose sleep, which is vital for a body to grow and heal. Sometimes I have to rush to do my homework in class just to have enough time to relax at home. Summarize your understanding of the issue. My understanding…
school. It is legal for parents physically punish children in China. So after almost every parents meeting I got punishments. There is so much homework after school every day; it took us more than 2 hours per day for homework at elementary school. I didn’t have fun childhood in my life. Most of the time, I spent on practicing accordion and doing homework. At school teachers measured good students only with scores on test. At that time my teacher was the god of my world. If you can have 100 scores…
easy, sometimes the problems with family stress out our life, including paying rent and bills and all the things that we do to maintain the house. School can be stressful, the time that students spend in class doing the work class, the difficult homework, finals tests, attending early to class. Also the job stress people in life, no one likes to work hard in a job that pays just the minimum salary. Sometimes people that earn really good money in their jobs stress them because they always do the same…
Ashley Bradford Pd.3 2/27/15 There is a crisis in American schools today; many African American male students are 7 years behind grade level and are in need to catch up! School is a place that all students should get the right amount of education to be successful in life. We don’t want uneducated future teachers, doctors, policemen etc. Do we? President Obama’s…
Matthew Grant English Homework To Kill a Mocking Bird Chapter one, 1. a. pride in ancestry and “tradition” “Tired old town” (pg. 5) pride in conformity and distrust of those who are different b. “Maycomb County had recently been told that it had nothing to fear but fear itself” (pg. 6) awareness of difference in social classes c. awareness of difference in social classes “nothing to buy and no money to buy with it” (pg. 6) 2. Approximately when does the story begin? Show evidence…
Cummings ENG2D 22 April 2014 To Kill a Mockingbird We will never be able to measure the full effects that prejudice has on society. Realistically, it is very difficult for people to admit where they have gone wrong. Most people judge others daily by how they dress, talk, and look, most of the time without knowing it. Prejudice has an immense impact on who it is directed at; and yes, it is possible for prejudice to be lessened, but it will never be eliminated. In To Kill a Mockingbird, author Harper…
way is free will, choosing to get a good grade or not. Either way I’m going to learn/realize that doing my homework is beneficial to me and I should do it. Through out the humans entire being in the permit world we are tested, right from wrong, up from down. To be closer to the divine Truth, free will aids us in getting to with a more perfect picture. Thus why it is not in your power to kill, take another’s life, because you are not entitled to determine someone else’s fate. Thus why karma exists…