History 9, Unit 1 Review. Essay

Submitted By andresrp
Words: 715
Pages: 3

Unit I Review Sheet.

1-Transcontinental Railroad:
-The government helped with loans and landgrants.
-It created jobs for immigrants.
-It brought immigrants to the West.
-It created conflicts with Native Americans.
-It had a great impact on economy (exportation/importation of products)
2-Morril Land-Grant Act (1862):
It gave state governments millions of acres of western lands, which the states could then sell to raise money for the creation of "land grant" colleges specializing in agriculture and mechanical arts. The states sold their land grants to bankers and land speculators.
3-Homestead Act(Signed by Lincoln in 1862):
Under the act, for a small fee settlers could have 160 acres of land if they met certain conditions: They were at least 21 years old or the head of the families. They were American citizens or inmigrants filing for citizenship. They built a house of a certain minimum size on their claims and lived in it at least six months in a year. And they had to farm the land for 5 years in a row. It created more than 372,000 farms.
African Americans moving West. Some 50,000 Exodusters migrated west.
Federal lands set aside for Native Americans.
6-Battle of Little Big Horn (Custer's last land):
The government tried to buy gold-rich Black Hills from Sioux. Talks failed. The army flooded the area with troops and swiftly forced most of the Sioux back to their reservations.
7-Sand Creek Masacre:
The government promised protection to the Cheyenne at Sand Creek. Colonel Chivington saw an opportunity and with 700 men killed nearly 500 Cheyenne and Arapaho.
8-Massacre at wounded knee:
The government said that Native Americans were "wild and crazy" (because of the Ghost Dance) and that they needed protection. Soldiers killed more than 200 unarmed Sioux and Sitting Bull.

The process by wich one soci89ety becomes part of another more dominant society by adopting its culture.
10-Dawes Act:
It divided reservation land into individual plots. Each Native American family headed by a man recieved a plot, usually 160 acres. These landholders were granted American citizenship.
11-Chinese exclusion act:
Passed by the Congress in 1882. The Act prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the country. Id did not prevent entry by those who had previously established residence in the U.S. It was renewed in 1892 and 1902 and then made permanent. It was repealed until 1943.
12-Social Darwinism:
It believed that society as a whole would benefit from the success of the fit and the weeding out of the unfit. And it opposed government intervetion to protect workers. They said that society shouldn't interfere with the rich so that they could become even richer.
When a company has complete control over a product or a service.
When companies ally and combine their operations to create an "organization" and share the profits.

15-How did the