Instructions 1. You may open this assessment multiple times but you may only submit it once. 2. You may print the assessment and prepare your answers offline. Alternatively, you may enter and save your answers for a portion of the assessment, and continue at a later time. 3. Your textbook and other reference materials may be used to complete this exam. 4. When answering the multiple choice questions mark the correct response in Through uplifting revival to spread the word of religion brought the great awakening by bringing more people together with religion.
- Review Test Submission: Unit III Assessment
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The differences in the New England led to the religious conflicts between the Old Lights and New Lights. As congregations split into factions and disarray, The New Lights railed against liberal theology as a "rationalist heresy" and called for revival of Calvinism (Faragher 2009, p.121). While the Old Lights condemned emotional enthusiasm as a "lawless heresy", a personal and direct relationship with God outside the order of the church. (Faragher, 2009, p.121).
In the south, the great awakening had a significant impact in the 1760s. The slaves' participation in the Great Awakening resulted in to their conversion to Christianity. Many of the Baptist churches had Southerners and slaves worshipping in the same churches and featured spontaneous preaching by slaves as well as masters.
As the Great Awakening, affected thousands of people, it led to a new found of religious passion. The Great Awakening brought the same religious culture of both groups, getting rid of the "Old Lights" and bring in the "New Lights".
Reference List
Faragher, J.M., Buhle, M.J., Czitrom, D.,& Armitage, S.H. (2009). Out of many: a history of the American people (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson