Dr. Michelle Morris
Waters Auditorium (Room 117)
Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00-11:50
*Additional RDS Required*
Office: Read Hall, Room 315
E-mail: morrismary@missouri.edu
Office Hours: Tuesday, 1-3 pm, and by appointment
Teaching Assistants:
Josh Nudell - jpnwwd@mail.missouri.edu
Hannah Witt - hrwc6f@mail.missouri.edu
Andrew Dinovo - apd526@mail.missouri.edu
Taylor Gruman - tgm88@mail.missouri.edu
Course Description:
This class introduces students to some of the major themes in early American history from first contact to the end of the Civil War. Some of the major themes we will explore include the coming together of different cultures, the parallel development of slavery and liberty, the tensions between freedom and chaos, and the competition between individual rights and public needs. In RDS students will closely examine six different events through the lens of primary sources. Other RDS weeks will be devoted to reviewing material from lecture.
1. To introduce students to some of the major themes and events in early American history
2. To help students develop a chronological framework in preparation for upper division courses
3. To help students think critically about the sources on which our knowledge of American history is based
Rourke et al, The American Promise (5th ed.)
1. Students are expected to keep up with the assigned readings and to attend lecture twice a week. Students who must miss lecture should get notes from a fellow student and may also wish to meet with their TA.
2. Students are expected to study the primary sources, complete assigned questions, and come prepared for RDS discussions. Six RDS sections will involve primary source units (see Course Schedule below). The primary sources, background reading, and assignments for these sections will be posted on Blackboard. Students should type out and print their RDS assignments. They should also come to class with the primary source in either printed or digital form. (Trust me. The printing costs are lower than buying a published reader.) RDS review days will include a “Jeopardy” style competition. The winning group will receive three extra credit points on the exam following the review. Only students who have no unexcused RDS absences since the last exam will receive extra credit points. Prepare accordingly.
3. Students are expected to attend and participate actively in weekly RDS. Please keep in mind that RDS participation comprises 20% of your final grade. Students who do not regularly attend RDS may be involuntarily withdrawn from History 1100.
Q. Do I need to memorize dates?
A. Yes. One of the goals of this course is to help you develop a chronological framework. You do not need to know every date in lecture or the textbook. Part of your responsibility is to determine which dates are pivotal enough to require memorization.
Q. If I read the textbook, do I have to attend lecture (and vice versa)?
A. Yes. The lectures and textbook are meant to complement one another, but there will be a substantial amount of information in lecture that is not in the textbook.
Q. Will the slides from lecture be available on Blackboard?
Conditionally. I will post the slides from lecture on Blackboard as long as class attendance remains high. If attendance begins to fall, I will stop posting the slides.
Q. If the slides are on Blackboard, do I need to take notes during class?
Yes. Absolutely. You need to take notes on what I am saying. The slides should help guide you as you take notes, but they are not a substitute for your own notes.
Q. Do I need to write out answers to the RDS exercises?
A. Yes. You should type your answers and refer to them during RDS.