Health and Social Care- Case Study- P3/P4/M2/D2 Essay

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Pages: 6

Case Study | Describe ways in which care workers can empower Individuals (P3)Explain why it is important to take individual circumstances into account when planning care that will empower an individual, using relevant example from health and social care (P4)Discuss the extent to which individual circumstances can be taken into account when planning care that will empower them, using relevant examples from health and social care (M2)Assess the potential difficulties in taking individual circumstances into account when planning care that will empower an individual, making suggestions for improvement (D2) | Gemma | The staff could try empowering Gemma by: * Encouraging the child to use effort in producing work where praise is given this
* Her parents could try supporting this at home by encouraging Gemma to interact more with the new baby and they could also try including Gemma in family activities benefiting both children and the parents to develop a stronger bond/relationship also taking into consideration her individual rights (this includes being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving, achieving economic well-being and also making a positive contribution), needs, likes and dislikes. Difficulties that Gemma might encounter could be finding herself jealous due to the lack of attention she may be getting in which has been given to her new born sister. This could be why Gemma has recently been acting in a babyish manner to try gain more attention from her parents; as she hasn’t been getting the attention she wants she has been drawn to an emotional struggle due to the new addition. To overcome this, Gemma’s parents could give her some more responsibilities with the baby, this could be things such as helping prepare her milk/ food to showing the baby how to play with her teddies for example. Doing this is important as is enables Gemma to feel involved and therefore she would eventually be a lot happier with having to share the attention between her and her new baby sister,