Adam Smith — Father of economics
The law of the invisible hand
“Wealth of Nations”
Irving Fisher (Stocks, Inflation)
Invested all his money into the stock markets right before the Depression in 1929
Thomas Malthus (Population)
Natural sources and factor are limited to a given population. Population grows exponentially, while natural resources grow arithmetically – Against population growth
“Essays on Principle of Population”
Michael Kremer (Population)
Population advances societies, making them more dynamic and productive. They produce ideas by learning from each other and competing
For population growth
Julian Simon (Population)
Larger population means more people with different skills contributing to economic growth
For population growth
Jerome Kerviel (Gambling & Stocks)
Center of the biggest trading fraud in history, faked all the counter-party trades
Thorstein Veblen (Prices)
Goods are bought for conspicuous consumption. Higher prices in consumer basket is due to labels and brands
“Theory of the Leisure Class”
David Hume (Inflation)
“Classic Dichotomy”—Nominal vs. Real – Changes impact the nominal but not the real
Nothing changes in society because none of the important relationships underlying the economy changed
Simon Kuznets (GDP)
Produced the first calculations of GDP and
Shifted the field of macroeconomics
National income accounting
Arthur Cecil Pigou (Unemployment)
Believed unions and minimum wages were a major reason why unemployment existed
Alfred Marshall (Supply&Demand)
Created the first textbook explaining idea of consumer surplus, price elasticity, etc
First to use graphs to explain supply and demand
John Maynard Keynes (Unemployment)
Argued that the lack of demand for goods and rising unemployment could be countered by increased government expenditure to stimulate the economy
First major economist who promoted an activist role for government, they should not play a passive, limited role because economic downturns get out of control
“The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money”
Paul Samuelson (Social Security)
Transformed economics into a mathematically based system and provided new general theories
F. A. Hayek (Aggregated Supply & Demand)
“The Road to Serfdom”
Distrusted the government and believed that the free-market makes better choices than bureaucrats, politicians and citizen-planners
Believes that central control of the economy eliminates choice and makes government determine what is best for you and your family, just like the old feudal lords
Keynesians believe there is a time and a place for government intervention
Karl Marx (Business Cycle)
Author of “Communist Manifesto”
Biggest capitalist ever
Created communism’s framework
Jean-Baptiste Say (Entrepreneur)
Wrote “Treatise on Political Economy” which articulated the economic idea of laissez-faire
Robert Solow (Productivity & Growth)
Did the first major estimation on U.S. Production Function
Believes savings gives the economy relatively little boost
Huntington Hartford (Money)
Dad died and will gave Huntington 90 million dollars (over $1.4 billion in today’s dollars)
MANAGING THE EMERGING ENTERPRISE BPS 6380.501 FALL 2005 Class Meeting Monday 1900-2145, SOM 2.801 Office Hours: Mon/Wed 3:00 – 4:30 PM Or by appointment Dr. Joseph C. Picken SOM 4.212 Email: Phone (UTD office): (972) 883-4986 Phone (McKinney office): (972) 562-5401 COURSE OBJECTIVES: Management guru Peter Drucker once observed that: “Unless a new venture develops into a business…
“Closes All But 8 Abortion Clinics in Texas.” The 5th Circuit of the U.S. Court issued a ruling reversing a U.S. District court’s decision that struck down as unconstitutional two provisions of Texas’ 2013 omnibus anti-abortion bill, House Bill 2 (HB 2. This ruling makes its hard for women to get approved for an abortion. According to Lucy Stein form, “under this decision, all abortion providers in Texas must meet the physical standards for ASCs,( Ambulatory Surgery Centers)…
MANAGING THE EMERGING ENTERPRISE ENTP 6378.501 Class Meeting: Mondays 7:00 – 9:45 PM, SOM 2.107 Final Exam: Final Exam case due on 5:00 PM December 15th Office Hours: Mon/Wed 3:00 – 3:45 PM or by appointment FALL 2014 Dr. Joseph C. Picken SOM 4.212 Email: Phone: (972) 883-4986 COURSE OBJECTIVES: Management guru Peter Drucker once observed that: “Unless a new venture develops into a business and makes sure of being ‘managed’, it will not survive no matter how…
tax dollars. Hemp, which is marijuana without the THC, can be used for building walls which will last 500 years . It can also make clothes and fuel. Hemp is also much safer for the environment. Legalizing marijuana according to Jeffrey Miron, an economics professor at Harvard University, would save the government $7.7 billion a year by removing law enforcement on marijuana related crime. Then, if the feds taxed marijuana at a rate comparable to cigarettes and alcohol, another $6.2 billion would come…
REFORM ON THE PERFORMANCE OF BANKS AND THE MARKET SHARE DYNAMICS By Dawit Keno A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Economics OCTOBER, 2009 i Acknowledgement The author of this thesis acknowledges the support and technical assistance from many sources. I am grateful to my thesis advisor, Professor Teshome Mulat, who has read the manuscript and provided valuable…
lessons from my 20s Ryan Allis ABOUT THIS PRESENTATION THIS presentation can be found Online at Lessons from my 20s INTRODUCTION Well, hello there Hi there, I’m Ryan. I’m an entrepreneur living in San Francisco. I created this presentation in advance of my 30th birthday on August 14, 2014 to share what I learned in my twenties about life, entrepreneurship, and the world. I hope you will find it useful! If you have questions or thoughts, feel…
TITLE: INSIGHT INTO THE ENTREPRENEURAL FAILURE CASE STUDY: DREAM DEFERRED: THE STORY OF A HIGH-TECH ENTREPRENEUR IN A LOW-TECH WORLD. Table of Content 1. Cover /Title Page …………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 1 2. Table of Content/ List of Exhibits ……………………………………………………………………. Page 1 3. Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 1 4. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 2 5. Main Report …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 2 6…
0 The use of money and its transmission through the economy by means of a banking system characterise modern economies. Money has been used for thousands of years, but has evolved to more sophisticated forms and its transmission has improved over time. There have long been questions over the effects money and banking have in the economy. Frequently they have given rise to intense debate, and are seldom far from discussion on the economy's performance, prices, exchange-rates and so on. The British…
individual and group of people that you were belong. Gender inequality is what the society has facing on, there were no equality on both gender as male and female and there are factors affecting and consider to lead in inequality such as power, origins, economics, sexuality and violence. Gender inequality remains a serious issue today since it creates multiple difficulties for the well-being of most women. These difficulties include lack of rights, gender stereotypes, workplace discrimination, pay gaps, financial…