Graduate: Disability and Routine Check Essay

Submitted By mrbranded
Words: 473
Pages: 2

Case studies Disability
John is a disable person, who has been using a wheelchair since the age of 7. He attends the hospital for a routine check up on his health and well being. Last Monday he attended one of his regular appoints, which he turned up late, and was approached by a nurse who noticed that he is always late for his appointment.

She confronted him about this in a manner that he felt a little miss treated. As he tries to explain that he was stuck in traffic, she carried on confronting him, but this time, in a more personal level where John felt upset and angry because the people that were meant to support him are treating him unfairly.

The nurse suggested that he does not always need to attend these appointments as he can take his medicine at home and try to do most things by himself, as the nurses have a lot on their plate and would save them a lot of time if patients like John can learn how to take more care of themselves rather than depending on the hospital and the nurses all the time.

John took these comments as a personal attack on him and responded by telling the nurse that it was their job and duty to help people like him “it is what you get paid to do” he replied. Angered by the response the nurse also responded back to John saying that “disable people can sometimes be very rude in general and particularly to those who are trying to him them”.


The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 amends the existing provision in the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The Act extends the definition of disability and places a duty on public bodies to have a Disability Equality Scheme. This taken from: