Avoid as much as possible talking about present day policies, practice and laws… the reason is coming up to the presidential election, I knew that President Obama wanted to talk about immigration reform… and there would be a lot of bizarre rhetoric.
Rooted in social and political grounds and economics.
Functions of poverty… not only immigration, but poverty in general.
Think in terms of docility and citizenship.
Temporary citizen or migrant worker, by virtue that they are not a citizen of America… they can be deported. They can be paid at a lower level of an American citizen.
When people talk about migration, people are talking primarily about Mexican migrants… South American migrants.
It’s a mistake to only think in low service sector jobs…
With weak or no citizenship rights comes at least a justification to pay people in those particular sectors less than people who have citizenship rights.
The real impact of the WTO, a lot of our political leaders are not being open about that.
Former Gov. Jeb Bush…. Senator McCain… Pres. Obama… when you’re looking at their particular immigration plans, not one of them is talking about our membership in the WTO. All they do is maybe say in their speeches or in their plans that they might say something about being open to free trade… but none of them talk about the impact of the WTO on the USA in and of itself.
Relating to the film… because of global trade, because of WTO, because of our membership in WTO, because of our policies and practices in place now… we will never ever ever ever have closed borders.
So when you hear anyone talking about closing our borders (ANYONE), you know that they can’t be serious because that’s a direct violation of our membership in WTO.
Hegemony. Nobody is ever going to close the borders.
As people who are trained now in functional analysis, why are people talking about closing the borders when we will never ever ever close the borders?
What is the function? Rhetoric of closed borders?
Several functions
Social, Cultural,
Sets public minds at ease and something to chew on… ease the fear that people have. (Nevins, creation of fear and easing the fear).
How is education funded?
Property taxes…
Who pays property taxes?
Renters, owners…
Who rents and who owns?
Anybody can rent (undocumented too)
- How can undocumented people own or rent?
People who came here did have papers, did have documents and became undocumented. Documented workers, stop working as a guest worker, become undocumented (Braceros).
How do you become illegal?
- You cross the border illegally and you become illegal.
The social function of undocumented migrants coming in and cramming our schools… the negative rhetoric is false, that they are taking advantage… because they are paying into the education system through property taxes and therefor paying for their children’s education.
What else is a function of this rhetoric of closing our borders?
What about political functions?
- At least politically, people use the fear generated through illegal immigration as their platform for getting into office and move up the ladder. Taking a stance against it, for example.
Nevins, politically, talked about… governor Pete Wilson, senators, congress people, etc… economically and politically benefiting by this production of fear by getting tax payers to be okay with building fences… such as Operation Gatekeeper along the borders of their states. It’s also helping their friends in the securitization industry because building that wall allows someone to benefit from that.
Nevins said we’re not only looking at security at the border but also inside the nation….
So what about here in Tacoma? About how securitization is impacting the lives of people here in Tacoma?
- Here in Tacoma…. Detention center. Remember that lack of documentation is a civil offense and not a criminal
economic, and social groups with some degree of autonomy But: pluralism is limited, i.e. groups not fully unconstrained No elaborate guiding ideology; if any = symbolic No extensive or intensive mobilization No systematic inclusion of the masses NOTE: significant variation between different authoritarian regimes E.g. Spain under Franco (1939-75) Ideology: Early days; quasi-Fascism Later, no clear ideology or effort to remake society Limited pluralism E.g. Catholic Church controls education…
Day 1: Review the syllabus, locate teacher’s office and introduce yourself, ask about expectations for the class and see how the teachers grading scale works, become familiar with chapter 1 and be ready in class with questions about chapter one, also make note of the types of questions that will be on the exam- multiple choice and true/ false. Day 2: Write down key points talked about in class. Review your notes and read chapter 2 to prepare for the next class. 2 Day 3: After class review your notes…
Custom Version, 10th Edition, by H. Anton & C. Rorres (John Wiley & Sons). Office Hours: Your professor will announce her/his office hours during which she/he will be also available to give a reasonable amount of help. Note, however, that if you missed a class it is not reasonable to expect your professor to cover the missed material for you. Tutorials: Vectors and Matrices require a lot of practice. There is not enough class time to…
a concentration selection; Prepare a D’Amore-McKim School of Business Co-op appropriate draft resume; Utilize MyNEUCool to explore sample co-op positions; Write a letter of introduction to a to-be-assigned Co-op Coordinator; Prepare and upload a final portfolio of all work to both Blackboard and MyNEUCool; and Articulate individual career interests and goals and identify co-op jobs that meet both interests and skills. Course Requirements & Expectations As a professional preparation course, students…
Student Evaluation Criteria Term – 70% Final – 30% Final Report Card Grade Calculation – 100% 10 ≤ Relative Emphasis / Weighting ≤ 40 Relative Emphasis / Weighting Term Total + Final Total = Report Card Mark Knowledge/Understanding 17.5 Inquiry/Thinking 17.5 Exam 30 Communication 17.5 Application/ISP 17.5 Term Total 70 Final Total 30 Unit 1: Toolbox (Unit Overview & Timeline) Learning Goals In this unit, we will: review sentence structure, pronoun agreement…
at a special price. In this course the software is only used as a computational tool, not as an object of study in itself. All the tests, the final examination and the assignments are done using Maple. Assignments Assignment are given and submitted online through Moodle. Late assignments will not be accepted. Assignments contribute 10% to your final grade (see the Grading Scheme). Working regularly on the assignments, as well as class attendance and working on the problems in the class, is…
studies Book reviews on selected books, textbooks, or specific topics dealing with values, concepts, and applications of breakthrough information science and technology Originality and Copyright Please note that all submissions must be original, unpublished, and not under the review of any other publication. Upon submission to an IGI Global Journal, it is assumed that the contents of any manuscript submission are not held by the copyright of any other publication or under review by any other publication…
4:05-5:25pm Mon Wed 2:35-3:55pm Important Note: McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures (see www.mcgill.ca/integrity for more information). COURSE RELATED INFORMATION PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 5 Assignments (the best 4 of them will be graded) 1 Case Study Reports Midterm Exam Final Exam 16% (4*4%) 14 % 25 % 45 % COURSE…
encourage class attendance and participation, lecture outlines will not include lecture information. 5 SCHEDULE OF TOPICS: The attached page provides a tentative schedule and is for information only, although exams will be held on the dates indicated. Note: It is your responsibility to check University information for admission dates and deadlines for withdrawing from courses. 6 ATTENDANCE AT EXAMS: It is your responsibility to be on time and prepared to write exams on the scheduled dates. Exams…
Building an AP Portfolio Binder Over the course of the year you will be given a number of different documents that will outline various assignments, provide notes over important topics, and guide you through the process of being a college level writer. Although the documents will be most important the day they are handed out, many of the documents will be used again at other points in the semester. In order to remain organized, please acquire a binder (1.5” to 2” recommended) to place your items…