BUSN1100 Fall 2014 Syllabus Assignment Guide MASTER CLASS 3 Essay
Submitted By Bailey-Brooks
Words: 1055
Pages: 5
Planning for Business Co-op – Fall 2014
Sections: 15492, 15493, 15494, 15495, 15496, 15497, 15498, 15499
Instructor: Ms. Kim Eldred k.eldred@neu.edu Ms. Maura Miller mau.miller@neu.edu (Resumes)
Course Overview
Planning for Business Co-op is a professional preparation class designed to assist you in developing thoughtful and informed career goals. Work in this course is completed independently each week through on-line lessons complimented by three in-person class meetings. Successful completion of this course will allow you to develop the necessary skills and foundation for you to be successful in your search for your first co-op.
Course Goals
At the end of this course, students will have been given the opportunity to:
Complete CareerLeader (a self- assessment inventory designed for undergraduate business students) and reflect on your results;
Select/confirm a concentration selection;
Prepare a D’Amore-McKim School of Business Co-op appropriate draft resume;
Utilize MyNEUCool to explore sample co-op positions;
Write a letter of introduction to a to-be-assigned Co-op Coordinator;
Prepare and upload a final portfolio of all work to both Blackboard and MyNEUCool; and
Articulate individual career interests and goals and identify co-op jobs that meet both interests and skills.
Course Requirements & Expectations
As a professional preparation course, students should strive to:
Act professionally in their written and verbal communication with faculty and other students;
Attempt to resolve questions regarding the course by first utilizing the resources provided and then asking questions online.
Complete all assignments in a timely manner demonstrating professional thought and effort.
Attempt to problem-solve issues as they would in a professional setting.
Students are expected to:
1. Attend each in-class meeting and bring a laptop to set-up and use online class materials.
2. Read all materials provided, then use class time and Blackboard’s online forum to ask unanswered questions throughout the course.
3. Manage and complete assignments in a timely manner. Assignments more than 7 days late will not receive credit.
Course Content
BUSN1100 is designed as an online class complimented by three in-class meetings. All course materials are found within the course site on Blackboard. It is critical that you READ all course materials. You will be held accountable for the information contained in this syllabus, the “Grading Guide” and all assignment information. Completed assignments must be posted to Blackboard by the due date to receive full credit. Assignments will also be posted to MyNEUCool so that Co-op Faculty Coordinators can access those materials, but assignments are not graded from MyNEUCool. Only assignments posted to Blackboard will be graded.
1. Blackboard – All materials and assignments are accessed through your Blackboard course.
2. CareerLeader – On-line Assessment Tool – (Your student account will be charged $20)
Academic Integrity
As a student in this class, you are expected to adhere to the Northeastern University Academic Integrity Policy: http://www.northeastern.edu/osccr/academichonesty.html. Acts of academic dishonesty will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR).
Learning Resources
Writing Center-412 Holmes Hall: http://www.english.neu.edu.writingcenter. The Writing Center offers in-person and online consulting for writers of all levels.
Disability Resources Center
If you need accommodation please contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) located at 20 Dodge hall- telephone 617-373-267 – TTY: 617-373-2730 – http://www.drc.neu.edu.
The primary assignment for this course is a completed portfolio. You will complete three main assignments that will be compiled into a single portfolio and uploaded to Blackboard to be graded. At the end of the course, you will upload a copy of your Portfolio to MyNEUCool, along