Favorite Designer Essay

Submitted By 1Evang
Words: 630
Pages: 3

The History of design can be dated back centuries ago, I believe that designs today came from such designers that we use today such as fashion designs -apparels, typography; arts, graphics, craft, architectural, etc.…. These designs makes designing much easier Even in the way we interact with others or society (Youtube, 2012). The design Industry heroes are Marcel Breuer from (1902-1981, Massimo Vignelli, Neville Brody, and Charles A. Csui 1969.

In the late 1980’s to the1990’s, David Carson was known for his use of typography, he was a graphic designer and magazine art director for Ray Gun. Carson was more in tune with designing or implementing his very own designed signature. Carson seemed to have changed the public appearance of graphic design (8 Women Dream, 2009). Being a success I think he had a mindset of doing things his way, which made him very successful. In the 1740’s, a well know Italian typography graphic designer by the name of Giambattista Bodoni, by using his name he had the ability to designed many fonts and in his life maintaining a fabulous life style for himself. His style attracted many prospectors whether they were just admires and those who were just imitators he appeared to be very influential. He was actually paid whether he worked or not. Milton Glaser an architect who ideas are straight from his heart. He and a partner Designed “I Love New York logo”, this logo he created was very influential. Glaser had founded a studio in New York with his fellow designer Seymour Chwast (The Observer, 2013, pg.7). They became very big in the 20th century of designing. Milton had a sense of color and how to use them; in addition, along with his partner they both designed anti-war posters, his partner Chwast who was more on the political side of things. My favorite design hero is Saul Bass, who carried his style from New York to California; he became famous for his “film and classic logo design” (Creative Repository, n. d.). He was very talented, his work speaks for itself, below is just a few of his logos. His work is very inspiring from looking at every detail and fine point of his logos for various businesses. Saul is one among those who changed the graphic design forever. The lesson to be learned from Bass is, learning to draw creating beauty, if nobody else cares (Open Culture, 2013).

I will come out on top with the best if, I put in a lot of effect, having goal sets; being open minded for any and all possibilities from others. I would then know the correct