Employee Value Proposition Mcdonalds Essay

Words: 4002
Pages: 17

CIPD Advanced Diploma in Human Resource Management
Solihull College

Resourcing and Talent Management 7RTM

Name: Sian Meddings

CIPD Membership Number: 23073479
Word count: 2,999

1. SWOT Analysis of McDonalds Position in the Labour Market


A sophisticated training and development programme. McDonalds has improved its programme significantly, focussing on basic maths and English skills, up to degree level education. They received a ‘good’ overall rating from OFSTED in May 2012 and are listed as a ‘good practice resource’ on the OFSTED website.

Recognition Awards. McDonalds recently received 2 highly regarded awards for being a good employer. These were the Investors in People Award and the Sunday Times

However, Cohen (2006, cited in Marchington and Wilkinson, 2009:483) notes that for a company to operate such a scheme, and for it to work well, they must have thorough and sound policies that are fully implemented, which may prove difficult for McDonalds due to the nature of many of their businesses being franchised. * McDonalds already has a wide benefits package, however, they may learn from companies such as Spirit who also provide on the spot rewards for their employees. In such instances, corporate employees are able to hand out reward scratch cards to employees, as and when they see outstanding service or dedication to the job. Not only is this an additional incentive for employees but also boosts guest satisfaction levels and promotes healthy attitudes at work. * Now that McDonalds is receiving a high number of applications they are able to select the best people. They should review their recruitment and selection methods to reflect what it is they are looking for. Currently McDonalds recruit crew members using an interview and on job evaluation. I would suggest holding assessment centres as they have high validity according to the meta-analysis by Smith et al (1989, cited in Taylor 2010:219) and can be done informally in an ‘audition’ type format which may suit crew member level more appropriately and they allow the manager to draw comparisons between candidates, as well as assess a large number of candidates